Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The HR I.Q. Test: July '12 ? Business Management Daily: Free ...

1. The EEOC recently clarified that which group of people are covered under federal job anti-discrimination law?

? a.?? ?Native Americans

? b.?? ?Transgender people

? c.?? ?Left-handed people

2.? What are the three most important ?factors (in order) that attract people age 50 and older to an employer?

? a.?? ?Base pay, challenging work, health benefits

? b.?? ?Retirement benefits, health benefits, job security

? c.?? ?Job security, health benefits, base pay

3. Nine of 10 workers age 46 to 65 agree that dating a colleague is a bad idea. What percentage of younger workers (18 to 29) say they?d date a co-worker?

? a.?? ?45%

? b.?? ?65%

? c.?? ?85%

4. More than half (52%) of U.S. employees say they don?t have ?the time, interest or knowledge? to:

? a.?? ?Understand the deductions on their paycheck

? b.?? ?Manage their 401(k) portfolio properly

? c.?? ?Figure out their employer?s business plan

5. A court convicted a Florida postal worker of workers? comp fraud after she claimed she was too injured to work, yet was discovered to have:

? a.?? ?Rolled a perfect game in her bowling league

? b.?? ?Painted houses as a side job

? c.?? ?Run the Boston Marathon

Sources: 1. EEOC; 2. Towers Watson survey; 3. Workplace Options survey; 4. Schwab Retirement Plan Services survey; 5. Florida U.S. District Court.

Answers:? 1. b????? 2. c????? 3. c????? 4. b????? 5. c

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