Friday, August 31, 2012

New Windows Phones Launch October 29 - Microsoft's Busy October Gets Even Busier

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New Windows Phones Launch October 29

Microsoft's Busy October Gets Even Busier

October is going to be a rather busy month for Microsoft, the company not only launching Windows 8 on October 26 -- but now reports suggest they'll also be launching their new Windows Phone the same month. The official launch of the latest Windows Phones is expected to be on October 29, with actually availability of the devices slated for several weeks later. The press event is expected to be on the west coast, and one of the devices that will be shown (Samsung's 4.8-inch Ativ S Windows Phone) has already been seen. Unfortunately, Microsoft still has to overcome research that shows consumers have a "deep and stable lack of consumer interest" in the Windows Phone.

Re: really crappy

said by BF69:

You're assuming everyone wants to buy an POS Iphone. Apple cult memebers aren't interested in anything non-Apple anyways.

vs what?

A POS Android phone? Been there, done that, have the nightmares and scars.

Or a POS Windows Phone? The UI is a huge turnoff for me. It's FUGLY.

Oh yeah, a Blackberry? Right before BB10 makes that obsolete.

iOS is not the best and still needs a few features but it is the best of the current crop of phones.

Nahhh IPhone here... whole family in fact, but my next phone will be a WP8. Not sure if it will be the Samsung or if I'll wait to see what else hits the market.

Some of Samsung's phones have had a cheap build quality.

Had a WP7 at my last job (just started with a new company) and loved it. Nice fluid well put together OS.

This is an all the eggs in a basket moment for MS. If they people dig v8, and can get the same OS on a tablet and their phone it could redefine the landscape. Apple has been trying to go this way with IOS and OSX, but isn't there yet. But, if v8 is a flop then they've got a real turd sandwich to eat.

Personally I hope they do really well. Apple and Google need the competition IMO.

Re: Not Android or iOS? Apps is the killer problem for MS

said by BF69:

Yeah sucks they "only" have 100,000 aps so far

Total #'s are worthless. Who cares if Apple, or Google, or MS have 673 calculator apps and 1457 notes apps, etc, etc.

Does MS have the latest Angry Birds, Facebook, Netflix, Gmail, Maps, Comcast remote control, Pandora, Instagram, Kindle, Pinterest, Skype, Red Box, etc, etc apps? That is where MS falls down.

Re: Not Android or iOS? Apps is the killer problem for MS

Angry birds: check, facebook: check, netflix: check, gmail: check, Bing maps and Gmaps: check, Comcast remote: nope... have to ask comcast, Pandora: Check (MetroRadio is better than the stock pandora app), Instagram: nope, but possibly 3rd party app, kindle: check, Pinterest: Not officially, but there is a high rated 3rd party app, Skype: Will be integrated in WP8 and has an app for WP7, Redbox: check.

The WP ecosystem has grown immensely this year. They might not get the latest craze like words with friends when it first comes out, but there are plenty of other devs that will end up making something similar.

said by BF69:

Yeah sucks they "only" have 100,000 aps so far

And they are a distant 4th on the list of updating, fixing issues, and gaining new features. You follow the $$ and that's iOS, Android, Blackberry (still outselling Win Phone), and then maybe we'll get around to our Win Phone version.

Heck, you see that to a limited extent with Android. Look at Facebook - app redesign was done first on iOS and then they are doing Android. I don't even think BB and WP7/8 are even on their map at this point.

?Verizon FiOS
?Time Warner Cable
That and the fact that every single windows phone in existence today will be unable to get Win Phone 8. Bring it to Sanford and Sons. That is typical MSFT. They have failed since day one, and never updated my Dell Axim back in the day. So their motto is ship and forget. That's simply because their focus has never been hardware, it's about the O/S and apps, totally contrary to the phone sector which is about hardware and the apps...I would question the O/S once HTML5 takes hold.

If you recall this has been a big problem for androids (Samsung where is my ICS?) and now Apple (Apple specifically holding back features on older phones), except Apple is doing it way more gracefully. The droids always have custom ROM's to get back functionality (I just rooted my Nexus 7).

With windows, forget it. Proprietary to the max, and the strategy changes by the second. They can't even figure out what to do with the Zune name

The ONLY ace in the hole MSFT is Office, period. And for that I fire up my 2lb ultrabook, so they can go back home.

The phones are heavily tied to the success of the surface tablet platform...If that gravitates toward the enterprise, it will kill the phones and make them another RIMM. MSFT better get their ecosystem together, or just keep selling Office.


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