Monday, August 27, 2012

Gencon 2012 Con Report ? A Gaming Community With Balls ...

Another Gencon has once again come and gone. ?Just like last year our community continues to grow. ?This is the second year in a row that we have acceded the amount of tournament space reserved. ?So next I am going to reserve even more tournament space and hopefully the trend of needing more will continue. ?The thing that makes Gencon different from conventions I attend through out the year is the amount of friends I get to see and hang out with out the con. ?At this point I have known some of you for over a decade now.

Another great turn out!

The tournament was a blast to play in. ?The field was very diverse. ?I never new what type of deck I would each round. ?Two matches in particular that stand out were my third round match against Zach B?s Chi Chi Blue Spirit Bomb deck. ?This match was so close that it came down to a %50 chance of me drawing Android 18?s Stare Down off of Red Left Bolt. ?Luck wasn?t on my side that match I didn?t draw a Stare Down and got Spirit Bombed for the loss. ?Which now that I think about was the first time I had ever been Spirited Bombed. ?The next match was against Bill Holub and his Orange Maraikoh. ?Maraikoh was the last character I thought I?d have to face. ?The deck surprised me with how hard it could hit and after a few combats Bill took me down.

We ran two panels this. ?The first was It?s Time to Duel! A History of Anime Card Games in the US! ?Which was hosted by myself and Josh. ?The second was the The Rise and Fall of Score Entertainment. ?Which featured former Score employees David Eckhard, Erin Giddings, Josh and myself. ?Both panels were recorded and will be available on the site. ?I really enjoyed doing both panels and already have ideas about which subjects to panels on next year. Another thing I enjoyed at the con this year was watching the Magic world cup.. ?Magic is the game I play as my main these days. ?I had taken the last block off from playing Magic. ?But watching the world cup has peaked my interest in the game again and I will be jumping back in after the next rotation. ?Gencon continues to be one the funniest conventions I go to each year. ?It doesn?t get any better than hanging out with old and new friends playing games all day. ?See you all again next year.


More tournament pictures



miranda kerr adriana lima victoria secret angels fox 4 fox 4 vs fashion show 2011 victoria secret fashion show

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