Sunday, August 19, 2012

42 Days to Fit: Week 1 Food Challenge

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Welcome to Week 1 of the 42 Days to Fit Challenge!? We are so glad you?re here!

We?ll be posting the specific food challenges each Sunday morning, to give you plenty of time to be prepared to start making those changes on Monday of each week.

These changes will be slow, so you won?t see a grocery list or even meal suggestions this week.? Before you think that?s too easy on you, wait.? You haven?t read the challenge yet.

In the coming weeks, each previous week?s challenge will remain, and we?ll build on top of those, ultimately resulting in ?the ideal diet? by the 6th week.? Maybe you?re already eating a moderately healthy diet, and that?s awesome.? Bear with the rest of us as we go through a bit of cleaning up.

Week 1 Food Challenge ? Drinks and Desserts

We?re going to dive straight in this week, tackling the obvious stuff first.? If you?re anything like me, you?re addicted to sugar.

Did I say addicted?? Sure did.? Remember that spot in the Journey Guide for writing our excuses and biggest challenges?? Did you write sweet tea, vanilla creamer and coffee, and cookies like I did?

It?s safe to say we?re addicted to sugar.

Don?t be surprised if this is the hardest habit to break in this journey to a healthier lifestyle.? Please remember that I am doing this FOR REAL, and WITH YOU.


Our bodies really only need water, as far as drinking is concerned.?

Let?s look at a few of the things we do NOT need to drink:


Fresh, real juice is great, sometimes, but how many of us really juice for health right now?? If you?re looking for the benefits of fresh, raw fruit, then it?s best to eat the fruit itself.

Sweet Tea

There are some fabulous benefits from many herbal teas, and green teas, and even black teas, but are we really drinking them for health?? Or are you like me with the daily craving for ?Southern sweet tea?? We will be discussing how to brew a healthier (even naturally sweetened) version of sweet tea, but for this week, we?re going to just let the sweet tea go altogether as we?re focusing on breaking the old habit first.


Dr. Pepper and almost all other soft drinks are LOADED with high-fructose corn syrup, a carcinogen among other things.? Even ?natural? varieties are still full of sugar.? What are we doing?? Do we really think we NEED these?? Sodas are definitely something we can live completely without.? Forever.

Energy Drinks

Typical ?energy drinks? may be filled with B vitamins, but they are anything BUT healthy. We?re going to learn how to acquire a healthy amount of energy the natural way and fuel our bodies with optimal nutrition instead.


Please don?t say I can?t have coffee.? Please don?t say I can?t have coffee.

Okay, coffee contains antioxidants, and is fine, especially in moderate amounts and especially if organic, but NOT loaded down with my favorite vanilla creamer.? So, if you drink it currently, keep your morning coffee ONLY from now on for this challenge but DITCH the sugar-laden creamer.

What to use instead?? Milk or coconut milk, and sucanat or local, raw honey to sweeten if you need to.? Sucanat can be found at Whole Foods, Sprouts, and Kroger in my area.


This one is cut and dry, folks.? We?re going to make a clean break together this week.

I?m going to say this fast.


If you typically have your dessert after dinner, then say goodbye.

If you don?t usually do an evening dessert, but sneak an afternoon shake, that counts as dessert, too.? Adios!

If you normally skip breakfast and eat brownies at 10:30 because your sugar level is low, I?m sorry to say it, but no.

No desserts this week.? We will revisit this subject later, but what is important right now is that we just make a clean break.? We can do this.? (Trust me.? If THIS sugar-addict can do this, so can you!? I?ve done this before, remember?? Only difference this time is that you?re with me and you?re losing the weight and getting healthy, too!)

So, that?s it.

Week 1 Food Challenges

Drink ONLY WATER (at least 8 glasses, and especially when working out!) and coffee if you wish, with healthy cream and sweetener.


Be sure to check? back here bright and early? Monday morning to get your Week 1 Exercise Challenges.

*Disclaimer:? I am not a physician and am not responsible for any adverse health conditions experienced before, during or after the 42 Days to Fit challenge.? These are my opinions based on my real-life experience and are shared here for information purposes only.? Please consult your health care professional before participating in any new fitness programs.

What do you think? Too easy?

Do you have a favorite drink you?re parting with?

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