Friday, August 31, 2012

Egyptian reportedly beheaded by Sinai militants

Egyptian police said they found a decapitated head in Sinai on Friday of a man kidnapped by Islamist militants, reportedly for his role in assassinating an extremist.

A security official said another man, also accused in the assassination, was believed to have been kidnapped by the Bedouin militants.

Bedouin tribal sources said the head found in the Muqatta area in north Sinai belonged to Manazil Bereikat from the same tribe of an extremist killed in a mysterious explosion near the Israeli border on August 26.

At the time, witnesses said the militant, Ibrahim Ouda Bereikat, died in a blast as he tried to fire a rocket into Israel. Security sources said he might have been killed by a landmine.

A Bedouin source, who requested anonymity because of the sensitivity of the subject, said the militants behind Manazil's kidnapping accused him and several other men of planting a booby trap to assassinate Ouda Bereikat.

Ouda Bereikat was believed to have taken part in several rocket attacks against Israel. The militants, and his family members, believe his assassins worked with Israel and said Manazil should not be given a Muslim burial.

"No one is willing to touch the body, he will not be buried, even his relatives don't want to bury him," said another Bedouin source.

The security official said two other men the militants were hunting to avenge Ouda Bereikat's death fled across the border into Israel.

The Egyptian military and police have bolstered their presence in the lawless peninsula to battle Islamist militants after gunmen killed 16 soldiers at a border outpost on August 5.

The military on Wednesday said it has killed 11 militants and arrested 23 since the start of the unprecedented campaign involving tanks and helicopters.


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Life on Mars time

David Oh's eldest son taped aluminum foil over his windows. His daughter painted a sign warning visitors away from the front door. His wife pulled the phone cord out of the wall and turned the couple's cellphones off.

David's time on Earth had come to a temporary end ? and he was taking his family with him.

As soon as the rover Curiosity dropped onto the Martian surface on Aug. 5, David and hundreds of his fellow scientists and engineers at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory switched from Earth time to Mars time.

As the lead flight director for the Mars Science Laboratory team, David would sync his life up with the rover's for the first 90 Martian days of the Curiosity mission. It may not be rocket science, but it's quite an undertaking.

A Mars day, called a sol, is 39 minutes and 35 seconds longer than a 24-hour day on Earth. That small difference adds up fast, so that noon becomes midnight after 2 1/2 weeks. As scientists wind up sleeping during the day and working through the night, their lives pull away from those of their families.

Not the Oh clan. For the first month, all five have stuck together, an idea championed by David's wife, Bryn.

"This project for six years has been so much a part of his life," she said at the family's tidy two-story home in La Ca?ada Flintridge. "This was a way that I thought that we could be a part of it."

The family has learned a lot about Southern California since their experiment began, talking to friendly folk in a Canoga Park bowling alley at 4 a.m. and gawking at late-night partygoers while eating dinner at dawn at Fred 62 in Los Feliz.

They've discovered the Hollywood sign isn't lit at night and that the sand on Santa Monica's moonlit shores is still the perfect temperature for walking barefoot. They've noticed that freeway traffic bottoms out at 3 a.m., then starts to pick up again just an hour later.

During one of their frequent late-night walks in the hills near their house, one of the kids saw two shooting stars streak across the quiet sky during the Perseid meteor shower.

The idea of working on Mars time goes back to the 1997 Pathfinder mission, which sent the first rover to the Red Planet.

The beetle-like Sojourner rover was designed to skitter around the surface for a week, sending back data once a sol. Members of the Pathfinder team wanted to analyze the results as quickly as possible so they could plan the rover's next moves. To minimize delays, they decided to work on Mars time too.

Sojourner kept going all week, then continued for a second and a third. The Earthlings did their best to keep up, but after a month they'd had enough.

"The team rebelled," said Andrew Mishkin, a senior systems engineer on that mission who has endured three stints on Mars time himself. "They were just too exhausted to continue."

Living on Mars time is like moving two time zones to the west every three days, causing scientists and engineers to feel constantly jet-lagged. That throws off the body's internal clock, which is synced to a 24-hour day and reset by light and dark.

When that system is out of whack for several weeks, negative effects ripple throughout the body. Metabolism slows, which can cause weight gain. People become less sensitive to insulin, leading to an increased risk for Type 2 diabetes. Some medicines don't work as well when taken outside the usual circadian window. And in sleep-deprived states, people make more mistakes.

At first, JPL had no formal policies to keep scientists and engineers from working themselves to the edge of their physical limits. They often logged 18 hours a day, and many tried to stick with Earth time when they were off duty, leaving them utterly drained, Mishkin said.

After the Pathfinder mission ended, JPL asked a panel of sleep experts for advice. The key, the experts said, was to keep the body clock on track so that people could sleep during their "night" and stay alert during their "day."

To do that, the panel recommended that workers stay on Mars time instead of confusing their bodies by toggling between days and sols. They also suggested setting time limits for shifts, limiting caffeine to small doses, and filling the operations rooms with bright light to suppress levels of melatonin, the sleep-inducing hormone, said Dr. Charles Czeisler, a sleep medicine expert from Harvard University who served on the panel.

Not all of the recommendations were adopted. No "solarium" was built to help the engineers adjust, nor was bus transport arranged to and from JPL to keep sleepy workers from getting behind the wheel. But the lab did install blackout curtains to block sunlight in the middle of the Martian night and provide cots for sleepy scientists and engineers whose bodies were having a hard time adjusting to the switch.


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New Windows Phones Launch October 29 - Microsoft's Busy October Gets Even Busier

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New Windows Phones Launch October 29

Microsoft's Busy October Gets Even Busier

October is going to be a rather busy month for Microsoft, the company not only launching Windows 8 on October 26 -- but now reports suggest they'll also be launching their new Windows Phone the same month. The official launch of the latest Windows Phones is expected to be on October 29, with actually availability of the devices slated for several weeks later. The press event is expected to be on the west coast, and one of the devices that will be shown (Samsung's 4.8-inch Ativ S Windows Phone) has already been seen. Unfortunately, Microsoft still has to overcome research that shows consumers have a "deep and stable lack of consumer interest" in the Windows Phone.

Re: really crappy

said by BF69:

You're assuming everyone wants to buy an POS Iphone. Apple cult memebers aren't interested in anything non-Apple anyways.

vs what?

A POS Android phone? Been there, done that, have the nightmares and scars.

Or a POS Windows Phone? The UI is a huge turnoff for me. It's FUGLY.

Oh yeah, a Blackberry? Right before BB10 makes that obsolete.

iOS is not the best and still needs a few features but it is the best of the current crop of phones.

Nahhh IPhone here... whole family in fact, but my next phone will be a WP8. Not sure if it will be the Samsung or if I'll wait to see what else hits the market.

Some of Samsung's phones have had a cheap build quality.

Had a WP7 at my last job (just started with a new company) and loved it. Nice fluid well put together OS.

This is an all the eggs in a basket moment for MS. If they people dig v8, and can get the same OS on a tablet and their phone it could redefine the landscape. Apple has been trying to go this way with IOS and OSX, but isn't there yet. But, if v8 is a flop then they've got a real turd sandwich to eat.

Personally I hope they do really well. Apple and Google need the competition IMO.

Re: Not Android or iOS? Apps is the killer problem for MS

said by BF69:

Yeah sucks they "only" have 100,000 aps so far

Total #'s are worthless. Who cares if Apple, or Google, or MS have 673 calculator apps and 1457 notes apps, etc, etc.

Does MS have the latest Angry Birds, Facebook, Netflix, Gmail, Maps, Comcast remote control, Pandora, Instagram, Kindle, Pinterest, Skype, Red Box, etc, etc apps? That is where MS falls down.

Re: Not Android or iOS? Apps is the killer problem for MS

Angry birds: check, facebook: check, netflix: check, gmail: check, Bing maps and Gmaps: check, Comcast remote: nope... have to ask comcast, Pandora: Check (MetroRadio is better than the stock pandora app), Instagram: nope, but possibly 3rd party app, kindle: check, Pinterest: Not officially, but there is a high rated 3rd party app, Skype: Will be integrated in WP8 and has an app for WP7, Redbox: check.

The WP ecosystem has grown immensely this year. They might not get the latest craze like words with friends when it first comes out, but there are plenty of other devs that will end up making something similar.

said by BF69:

Yeah sucks they "only" have 100,000 aps so far

And they are a distant 4th on the list of updating, fixing issues, and gaining new features. You follow the $$ and that's iOS, Android, Blackberry (still outselling Win Phone), and then maybe we'll get around to our Win Phone version.

Heck, you see that to a limited extent with Android. Look at Facebook - app redesign was done first on iOS and then they are doing Android. I don't even think BB and WP7/8 are even on their map at this point.

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That and the fact that every single windows phone in existence today will be unable to get Win Phone 8. Bring it to Sanford and Sons. That is typical MSFT. They have failed since day one, and never updated my Dell Axim back in the day. So their motto is ship and forget. That's simply because their focus has never been hardware, it's about the O/S and apps, totally contrary to the phone sector which is about hardware and the apps...I would question the O/S once HTML5 takes hold.

If you recall this has been a big problem for androids (Samsung where is my ICS?) and now Apple (Apple specifically holding back features on older phones), except Apple is doing it way more gracefully. The droids always have custom ROM's to get back functionality (I just rooted my Nexus 7).

With windows, forget it. Proprietary to the max, and the strategy changes by the second. They can't even figure out what to do with the Zune name

The ONLY ace in the hole MSFT is Office, period. And for that I fire up my 2lb ultrabook, so they can go back home.

The phones are heavily tied to the success of the surface tablet platform...If that gravitates toward the enterprise, it will kill the phones and make them another RIMM. MSFT better get their ecosystem together, or just keep selling Office.


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Thursday, August 30, 2012

EA Games iPhone / iPod touch and iPad Apps from $1: FIFA 12, NBA Jam, more

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Relationships Matter: The power of 3 little wors~Author: unknown

The Power of Three Little Words

Some of the most significant messages people deliver to one another often come in just three words.?When spoken or conveyed, those statements have the power to forge new friendships, deepen old ones and restore relationships that have cooled.The following three word phrases can enrich every relationship:

I'll BE THERE?- Being there for another person is the greatest gift we can give
When we are truly present for other people, important things happen to them and to us?
We are renewed in love and friendship, we are restored emotionally and spiritually.?'Being there' is at the very, very core of civility.

I MISS YOU?- Perhaps more marriages could be salvaged and strengthened if couples simply and sincerely said to each other, "I miss you" This powerful affirmation tells partners they are wanted, needed, desired and loved.Telling your kids, loved ones and friends, make them feel they are cared for.

I RESPECT YOU?- Respect is another way of showing love Respect conveys the feeling that another person?is a true equal.It is a powerful way to affirm the importance of a relationship.

MAYBE YOU'RE RIGHT?- This phrase is highly effective in diffusing an argument and restoring frayed emotions.?The flip side of "maybe you're right" is the humility of admitting "maybe I'm wrong"

PLEASE FORGIVE ME?- Many broken relationships could be restored and healed if people would admit their mistakes and ask for forgiveness.?All of us are vulnerable to faults, foibles and failures.?A man should never be ashamed to own up to he has been in the wrong, which is by saying, in other words, that he is wiser today than he was yesterday.

I THANK YOU?- Gratitude is an exquisite form of courtesy People who enjoy the companionship of good, close friends are those who don't take daily courtesies for granted.?They are quick to thank their friends for their many expressions of kindness.?On the other hand, people whose circle of friends is severely constricted often do not have the attitude of gratitude.

COUNT ON ME?- "A friend is one who walks in when others walk out"?."Loyalty" is an essential ingredient for true friendship; it is the emotional glue that bonds people.?Those who are rich in their relationships tend to be?steady and true friends!!When troubles come, a good friend is there, indicating "you can count on me."

LET ME HELP?- The best of friends see a need?and try to fill it.When they spot a hurt they do what they can to heal it without being asked, they pitch in and help.

GO FOR IT?- Some of your friends may be non-conformists, have unique projects and unusual hobbies.Support them in pursuing their interests.?Rather than urging your loved ones to conform, encourage their uniqueness - everyone has dreams that no one else has.

I suppose the 3 little words that you were expecting to see have to be reserved for those who are special; that is..



" Trust the Lord your God with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

(Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV)












Have a blessed day,


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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

1st trial to begin in alleged rapes of Texas girl

(AP) ? The case shocked and divided the small Southeast Texas town where authorities allege an 11-year-old girl was repeatedly sexually assaulted over a period of months in 2010 by a group of 20 males.

Now the first trial stemming from the case is set to be heard by a jury.

Opening statements in the trial of Eric McGowen were scheduled for Wednesday in Liberty.

McGowen is among 14 adults charged in the case. He faces up to life in prison if convicted of aggravated sexual assault of a child.

Prosecutors and McGowen's defense attorney have declined to comment because of a gag order in the case.

Authorities say the girl was assaulted at least five times between mid-September and early December 2010 by males ranging in age from a middle school student to a 28-year-old. The alleged rapes took place in Cleveland, located about 45 miles northeast of Houston. Prosecutors say McGowen, 20, assaulted the girl in October 2010. The trial is being held in the nearby county seat of Liberty.

The investigation began in December 2010, after one of the girl's friends told a teacher he had seen a lurid cellphone video that showed the girl being raped in an abandoned trailer.

Those charged included two top athletes at the local high school and adults with criminal records.

The case brought unflattering attention to Cleveland, a town of 9,000 people, after some residents suggested the girl was in part responsible for what happened, saying she wore makeup, looked older and wasn't properly supervised by her parents. Other community residents, as well as groups from outside of town, sharply criticized those suggestions.

The case also has been complicated by a belief among many in the predominantly black neighborhood where several of the suspects live that the arrests were racially motivated. All of the suspects are black, while the girl is Hispanic.

Two other adults have previously pleaded guilty, with one receiving a 15-year prison term and the other awaiting sentencing. Six juveniles who were charged also have previously pleaded guilty. They received 7-year prison terms, but their sentences were suspended and they were put on probation for that amount of time.

Most of the adult defendants in the case face charges of aggravated sexual assault of a child, while four face a charge of continuous sexual abuse of a child.

Associated Press


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How cool water eased hurricane Isaac's rage

Caroline Morley, online picture researcher


(Image: National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service)

On the eve of Katrina's seventh anniversary, hurricane Isaac made its first landfall in Louisiana last night. But a period spent over cooler water means it will not follow Katrina's destructive footsteps. On landfall, Isaac was designated as category 1 on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale.

In August 2005, hurricane Katrina also arrived in Louisiana having travelled across the Gulf of Mexico. It wrought huge devastation in New Orleans. Katrina developed from a category 3 to a category 5 storm when it passed over warm water from the Gulf Stream's Loop Current - the heat of the water intensified the storm. When it hit land, Katrina's intensity fell to category 4 but still managed to cause billions of dollars' worth of damage and kill around 1700 people.

Following a path around the Loop Current and over cooler water means Isaac's sustained winds reached a maximum 130 kilometres per hour compared to the 224 km/h winds of Katrina's landfall. Isaac did spend a short time over a warm eddy in the Gulf of Mexico but then a cool eddy took away the energy it had gained. Still, as a tropical storm Isaac killed 24 in Haiti and five in the Dominican Republic.

Despite being low on the hurricane scale, warnings are still in place for cities in Isaac's path, with many people choosing to evacuate. Slow movement of the hurricane raises the possibility of flooding, says the National Hurricane Center, and there may also be tornadoes as Isaac moves inland.

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Challenge: Who Made the Sculpture? [Search Research]

Challenge: Who Made the Sculpture?Daniel Russell knows how to find the answers to questions you can't get to with a simple Google query. In his weekly Search Research column, Russell issues a search challenge, then follows up later in the week with his solution?using whatever search technology and methodology fits the bill. This week's challenge: who made the sculpture?

As you know by now, I travel a bit. And sometimes, you get to see some pretty remarkable things. I was rushing through the airport the other day when this amazing sculpture caught my eye.

I only had time to grab a few seconds of video with my camera, knowing that I could figure out everything else about it once I got home.

Can you?

Question: Who is the maker of this remarkable sculpture? What is its name? And where is this hanging?

Simple really. Took me about 2 minutes to figure it out.

How long will it take you?

Remember to let us know HOW you searched for the answer...and tell us how long it took you to find the answers.

Search on!

Wednesday search challenge (8/29/12): Who made the sculpture? | SearchReSearch

Daniel M. Russell studies the way people search and research?an anthropologist of search, if you will. You can read more from Russell on his SearchReSearch blog, and stay tuned for his weekly challenges (and answers) here on Lifehacker.

Photo by Phillie Casablanca.


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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Building Wealth: Russ Whitney has Updated his Bestselling Classic ...

When Building Wealth by Russ Whitney was first released in 1994, it was hailed as a cutting-edge, comprehensive book that offered a step-by-step plan to reach financial independence and build long-term wealth. Even today, readers praise the strategies Whitney offered. But while the strategies still work, much has changed in the world of business, finance, and investing. That?s why last year, Simon & Schuster and Whitney agreed it was time for a second edition of Building Wealth.

Whitney says there were two primary motivations for the new version. ?First, our world has changed so much that the book is no longer complete. It doesn?t discuss things like the technology that was in its infancy then but is now commonplace?things like the internet, e-mail, and affordable cell phones,? he says. ?Second, while the strategies I wrote about in the first book still work, I have learned so much since then about real estate and investing, and I wanted to share that information as well.?

Why not just write a whole new book? After all, Whitney has had other bestsellers since Building Wealth, including Millionaire Real Estate Mentor and The Millionaire Real Estate Mindset. Revising the existing book makes an important point, Whitney says. ?The basic techniques that I have been practicing and teaching for the past 30 years are proven and effective. They worked then, they?ll work now. There was no reason to toss the entire Building Wealth book; it just needed to be updated and expanded with current information.?

Building Wealth remains very autobiographical. Whitney tells his story of how he evolved from a troubled youngster with a bad attitude to a multimillionaire real estate investor and then how he moved on to create one of the world?s leading financial training companies. But he does more than just explain how he did it; he offers advice and instruction on how the reader can apply the same techniques. He is also extraordinarily candid, sharing details of his mistakes as well as his successes, and demonstrating how to turn what others may consider failure into a stepping stone for greater success.

For example, the first version ignored opportunities in land development. ?I wasn?t investing in raw land because the people I learned from advised against it,? Whitney says. ?A few years ago, someone brought me a deal on vacant land and it made sense. Since then, I have made millions of dollars investing in raw land, so I added an entire chapter explaining the land investment strategies I?ve developed. Some people might say that the fact that I didn?t invest in raw land for so long and probably missed plenty of opportunities to make money was a failure. I disagree. I learned something and that?s what counts. And I?d rather focus on the future than dwell on the past. We all miss opportunities for various reasons. It doesn?t make us failures. The key is to learn from everything that happens and keep moving forward.?

The new Building Wealth: Worth reading even if you?ve read the first edition?and essential if you haven?t

Even if you?ve read the original Building Wealth, you?ll find plenty of new information in the second edition to make it worth reading. Updates include:

- How to use the internet and other technologies to maximize your profits.

- How to decide when it?s time to move from residential to commercial real estate investments.

- How to invest in raw land.

- How to become a real estate developer.

- New ways to raise money to fund your investments.

- How to improve your credit rating and how you can benefit from a high credit score.

- How to diversify your portfolio by investing in the stock market.

- How to get government sources to help fund your real estate purchases and pay for property improvements.

- How to start the business you?ve always dreamed of owning.

If you haven?t read the original, now is the time to learn about Russ Whitney?s inspiring story and to apply his wisdom to your own wealth-building plan.

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Mining leads S.Africa's Q2 growth higher

PRETORIA (Reuters) - South Africa's second-quarter economic growth quickened just slightly less than the market expected, boosted by a surprise jump in mining and suggesting the central bank could hold rates steady next month.

Africa's biggest economy grew by 3.2 percent on a quarter-on-quarter basis and adjusted for seasonal factors in the second quarter, just below market expectations of 3.3 percent growth, Statistics South Africa said on Tuesday.

On a year-on-year and unadjusted basis, growth jumped to 3 percent from 2.1 percent in the first quarter, overshooting market expectations of 2.7 percent.

Economists had expected growth to accelerate to 3.3 percent quarter-on-quarter but manufacturing and electricity dragged on the number.

Manufacturing output contracted by 1 percent in the second quarter from a 7.7 percent expansion previously.

On the other hand, mining registered a surprise 31.2 percent jump, coming off a low base of -16.8 percent in Q1.

The central bank's Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) meets in late September and the bank may choose to keep rates steady after a 50 basis point reduction in July and as it waits to see the effect of mining labour woes on the economy.

"The strong number suggests that the MPC will remain cautious on the domestic demand outlook but will still find it hard - and too early - to cut in September, with November the more likely time" said Peter Attard Montalto of Nomura, citing the likelihood of more negative data by the November.

South Africa's platinum belt has been hit by labour clashes that left 44 people dead at a Lonmin mine this month, while gold producers are facing a threat from wage hike demands.

The outlook for growth is weak, with the Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan saying he will cut his 2.7 percent growth forecast in October.

The festering euro zone crisis is likely to continue its drag on exports, while domestic labour strife should depress growth in the third quarter.

"Looking ahead to the third quarter, it is safe to say that the strikes taking place in platinum at the moment, coming out of Lonmin, mean that mining production in the third quarter is going to do very poorly," said Gina Schoeman, lead economist at Absa Capital.


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Is this chimpanzee a genius?

Certain apes appear to be much smarter than others, with at least one chimpanzee now characterized as being "exceptional" when compared to other chimps.

The standout chimp, an adult female in her 20's named Natasha, scored off the charts in a battery of tests. The findings, published in the latest Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, suggest that geniuses exist among non-humans, but that no one attribute constitutes intelligence.

Instead, a perfect storm of abilities seems to come together to create the Einsteins of the animal kingdom. Natasha's keepers at the Ngamba Island chimpanzee sanctuary in Uganda knew she was special even before the latest study.

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"The caretakers named Natasha as the smartest chimpanzee, precisely the same chimpanzee that our tests had revealed to be exceptional," study authors Esther Herrmann and Josep Call of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology wrote.

"All three of the most experienced caretakers included Natasha in their lists (of the most intelligent chimps)," they added.

Natasha has made headlines over the months for her attention-grabbing antics. For instance, she repeatedly escaped her former enclosure, surrounded by an electric fence. She did this by tossing branches at the fence until she didn't see a spark, letting her know that the power was off.

She also learned how to tease humans, beckoning them to throw food her way, only to spray the unsuspecting person with water.

Herrmann and Call decided to study this chimp, along with numerous others, to see if there really are chimp prodigies among non-human great apes. To do this, the researchers created a multi-part mental challenge consisting of eight tasks.

For the first task, the chimps had to find hidden food, testing their spatial knowledge. For the second, the chimps wielded a tool ? avoiding a trap ? to again obtain a food reward. The remaining tasks demonstrated understanding of things like color, size and shape.

NEWS: Chimps Are Self-Aware

"We identified some individuals who consistently scored well across (the) multiple tasks," wrote the authors, who again made note of Natasha, who aced nearly every task.

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      As Floridians wait to see what Tropical Storm Isaac will do, they're also remembering Hurricane Andrew, a storm that changed lives 20 years ago.

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The researchers could not identify "a general intelligence factor." They instead indicate that ape intelligence might be a bundling of skills related to learning, tool usage, understanding of quantities, and an ability to reach conclusions based on evidence and reasoning.

As the saying goes, necessity may be the mother of invention and, at least in some cases, one reason behind chimp cleverness.

Call, for example, told Discovery News about chimps that make tools for extracting termites out of mounds. The process requires several steps.

"They uproot the stem or use their teeth to clip the stem at the base and then remove the large leaf from the distal end by clipping it with their teeth before transporting the stem to the termite nest, where they complete tool manufacture by modifying the end into a 'paint brush' tip by pulling the stem through their teeth, splitting the probe lengthwise by pulling off strands of fiber, or separating the fibers by biting them," he said.

NEWS: Chimps Have Better Sex Than Humans

As for why only some chimps go through such an elaborate process, "a lot depends on the ecological constraints and needs," he said.

In terms of other animals, Herrmann and Call mention the dogs Rico and Chaser, who knew the meaning of hundreds of words.

"Interestingly," the scientists point out, "all of these dogs (considered to be very smart) are border collies. And many of their owners reported that they did not train the dogs to play the fetching game; it was the dogs who trained them!"

The jury is still out on what exactly constitutes such cleverness. The researchers propose that more studies be conducted, with "tasks that capture cognitive, motivational and temperament dimensions."

That's because, in part, a willingness to learn and a positive attitude seem to make as big of a difference in dogs, chimps and other animals as they do in humans.

? 2012 Discovery Channel


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Monday, August 27, 2012

Gencon 2012 Con Report ? A Gaming Community With Balls ...

Another Gencon has once again come and gone. ?Just like last year our community continues to grow. ?This is the second year in a row that we have acceded the amount of tournament space reserved. ?So next I am going to reserve even more tournament space and hopefully the trend of needing more will continue. ?The thing that makes Gencon different from conventions I attend through out the year is the amount of friends I get to see and hang out with out the con. ?At this point I have known some of you for over a decade now.

Another great turn out!

The tournament was a blast to play in. ?The field was very diverse. ?I never new what type of deck I would each round. ?Two matches in particular that stand out were my third round match against Zach B?s Chi Chi Blue Spirit Bomb deck. ?This match was so close that it came down to a %50 chance of me drawing Android 18?s Stare Down off of Red Left Bolt. ?Luck wasn?t on my side that match I didn?t draw a Stare Down and got Spirit Bombed for the loss. ?Which now that I think about was the first time I had ever been Spirited Bombed. ?The next match was against Bill Holub and his Orange Maraikoh. ?Maraikoh was the last character I thought I?d have to face. ?The deck surprised me with how hard it could hit and after a few combats Bill took me down.

We ran two panels this. ?The first was It?s Time to Duel! A History of Anime Card Games in the US! ?Which was hosted by myself and Josh. ?The second was the The Rise and Fall of Score Entertainment. ?Which featured former Score employees David Eckhard, Erin Giddings, Josh and myself. ?Both panels were recorded and will be available on the site. ?I really enjoyed doing both panels and already have ideas about which subjects to panels on next year. Another thing I enjoyed at the con this year was watching the Magic world cup.. ?Magic is the game I play as my main these days. ?I had taken the last block off from playing Magic. ?But watching the world cup has peaked my interest in the game again and I will be jumping back in after the next rotation. ?Gencon continues to be one the funniest conventions I go to each year. ?It doesn?t get any better than hanging out with old and new friends playing games all day. ?See you all again next year.


More tournament pictures



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10 Online Security Tips ? Techsol Dubai - Technology Solutions ...

Internet has made a lot of things easier like sharing information across the globe, banking, shopping, networking, promoting business ideas etc. But there are potential hazards which many users are not aware of and the internet at times can be a treacherous ground to tread on. It is thus best to follow the best practices with regards to sharing sensitive information online and browsing safely.

?Important online security tips-


  • ????????? Avoid setting the same the password for your all your email accounts and other social networking sites. Preferably change the passwords at regular intervals of time.
  • ????????? Nowadays most sites let you adjust your settings in a way that a notification is sent to your mobile if any unauthorized person tries to access your account.
  • ????????? Ensure that email services you are relying on are secure socket layer protected. Anti-virus and firewalls provide another layer of protection.
  • ????????? For casual net surfers, an anti-virus would serve the purpose but for corporate users dealing with confidential information, privacy can be maintained by accessing through multiple IP addresses or VPN.
  • ????????? Regularly update your operating system and software in order to stay protected.
  • ????????? Being social is definitely great but choose your friends on social platforms with care. Do not accept friend requests from people you do not know as this might be a potential technique to hack into your network.
  • Undetectable malware might exist in your system so secure your potential database by installing spyware and adware?scanner.
  • Personal financial information should not be shared with emails acting suspiciously. Try to only visit EV SSL certified websites. In order to verify such certification, check if the business uses website addresses secured by VeriSign.
  • Prevent from being target of pharming which is the latest technique of online id theft. This malicious program gets fraudulently planted in your system and extracts important data.
  • Download email attachments only if you are expecting one. Do not be tempted with false messages talking about prize money and the like and avoid clicking on links associated with the same.
  • Downloading videos should be done with caution as mostly this action can bring along viruses into your system.
  • Before connecting through a Wi-fi network, make sure that it is from a legitimate service.
  • Choose to use a credit card over a debit card for online transactions.?

Rely on your common sense and follow internet security guidelines to protect yourself and your computer from hacking attempts and other forms of cyber crime.

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Sunday, August 26, 2012

NYPD gunfire injures 9 at Empire State Building

In this sequence of images taken from a surveillance video camera and released by the New York City Police Department, police officers approach Jeffrey Johnson, after he shot his former colleague Steven Ercolino, near the Empire State Building in New York, Friday, Aug. 24, 2012. Johnson, upper left in frames, was shot and killed by police as bystanders fled. (AP Photo/New York City Police Department)

In this sequence of images taken from a surveillance video camera and released by the New York City Police Department, police officers approach Jeffrey Johnson, after he shot his former colleague Steven Ercolino, near the Empire State Building in New York, Friday, Aug. 24, 2012. Johnson, upper left in frames, was shot and killed by police as bystanders fled. (AP Photo/New York City Police Department)

This photo posted to an Instagram account belonging to a person identified as mr_mookie, an eyewitness at the scene, shows a victim of a shooting being tended to by pedestrians outside the Empire State Building in New York, Friday, Aug. 24, 2012. The identity or condition of the victim was not immediately known. Law enforcement officials in New York City say at least four people have been shot outside the Empire State Building in violence that stemmed from a workplace dispute, and that the gunman has been killed by police. The shooting happened at about 9 a.m. Friday at 34th Street and Fifth Avenue. (AP Photo/mr_mookie via Instagram)

An unidentified woman is treated by emergency medical technicians inside an ambulance following a multiple shooting outside the Empire State Building, Friday, Aug. 24, 2012, in New York. At least four people were shot on Friday morning and the gunman was dead, New York City officials said. A witness said the gunman was firing indiscriminately. Police said as many as 10 people were injured, but it is unclear how many were hit by bullets. A law enforcement official said the shooting was related to a workplace dispute. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation was ongoing. (AP Photo/Mark Lennihan)

(AP) ? The veteran patrolmen who opened fire on a gunman outside the Empire State Building had only an instant to react when he whirled around and pointed a .45-caliber pistol at them as they approached him from behind on a busy sidewalk.

Officer Craig Matthews shot seven times, and Officer Robert Sinishtaj fired nine times, police say. Neither had ever fired their weapons before on a patrol.

The volley of gunfire felled Jeffrey Johnson in just a few seconds and left nine other people bleeding on the sidewalk.

In the initial chaos Friday, it wasn't clear whether Johnson or the officers were responsible for the trail of the wounded. But based on ballistic and other evidence, "it appears that all nine of the victims were struck either by fragments or by bullets fired by police," Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly told reporters Saturday at a community event in Harlem.

Police officials have said the officers appeared to have no choice but to shoot Johnson, whose body had 10 bullet wounds in the chest, arms and legs.

Police determined that three people were struck by whole bullets ? two of which were removed from victims at the hospital ? and the rest were grazed "by fragments of some sort," Kelly said.

Two women with leg wounds and a man with a wound to his buttocks required surgery and remained hospitalized Saturday. They were listed in stable condition.

Both Matthews, 39, and Sinishtaj, 40, joined the nation's largest police department 15 years ago. The union representing the two officers didn't immediately respond to a message seeking comment.

The officers confronted Johnson as he walked down the street after gunning down a former co-worker on the sidewalk outside the office they once shared. The shooting happened as the neighborhood bustled with people arriving for work.

The gunman and his victim, Steve Ercolino, had a history of workplace squabbles before Johnson was laid off from their company, Hazan Import Corp., a year ago. At one point, the two men had grappled physically in an elevator.

A security videotape from the scene Friday shows several civilians ? including three sitting on a bench only a few feet away ? scattering as the officers opened fire.


Contributing to this report from New York were David B. Caruso, Colleen Long and the AP News Research Center.

Associated Press


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Maturing online traders eye Asia |


Maturing online businesses in New Zealand and Australia are eyeing emerging markets for future growth.

Trade Me is looking to expand beyond its home base of New Zealand to find growth as its online auctions business matures.

"We'll always keep an eye out for international opportunities," chief executive Jon Macdonald said after last week's annual results announcement.

"In the long term there's going to be a time when we'll expand offshore in one way or another."

International ventures were likely to be in developing markets, such as Asia, rather than Australia, which had a sophisticated market with established players, he said.

In Australia, chief executive Robbie Cooke expects a high dollar will be "situation normal" for some time, forcing the online travel agent to prioritise new business ventures targeting overseas travellers.

Reporting a 14 per cent increase in full-year profit last week, Cooke said Wotif was also open to acquisitions within Australia or abroad to add to its purchases of the Lastminute and AsiaWebDirect websites. "We're absolutely looking to build our product range outside Australia and New Zealand," the CEO said. "Lastminute has been nicely integrated into the business. The right acquisitions make sense, whether onshore or offshore."

Wotif said it would spend the next 12 months developing a package holiday product to compete with bricks and mortar travel agents such as Flight Centre and Jetset, in response to the growing appetite of Australians to holiday overseas.

Net profit rose to A$58 million from A$51m in the prior year, boosted by strong growth in international flight bookings and the uptake of its mobile phone and tablet applications. That was marginally ahead of previous company guidance for earnings in the range of A$55.5m to A$57.5m. Revenue rose 5 per cent to A$145m, and a final dividend of A13.5? was announced.

Wotif said it sold $110m worth of flights over the year, with the two-year-old business unit contributing 9 per cent of the total value of all bookings sold. Bookings for domestic and international flights should continue to grow in the current financial year while reservations in the core Australian accommodation business will remain challenged, Cooke said.

"It's still a challenging market out there, particularly in the domestic space. We sell a lot of domestic accommodation, and the leisure side of that has been absolutely tougher with a stronger dollar while business travel hasn't been impacted," the CEO said.

Wotif has also launched a new service for booking holiday rental accommodation, a unit which Cooke said could grow to be as large as the flights division. The company has also doubled the number of staff dedicated to its Arnold booking platform targeted at the corporate market.

Another source of growth in the year ahead should be the company's mobile phone and tablet application, which combined accounted for 14 per cent of visits and 9 per cent of room night sales in 2012.

Trade Me's general items marketplace division showed signs of maturation in the 2012 financial year, with revenue rising 5 per cent to $62m. General items revenue contributed 44 per cent of total revenue, which grew 14 per cent year-on-year to $142m - about $4m below Bloomberg consensus forecasts.

Adjusted earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation (ebitda) increased 8 per cent to $107m, in line with market expectations.

However, reported ebitda, which included a $3.3m one-off gain from the sale of its AutoBase investment on April, rose 11 per cent to $110m. Trade Me reported an inaugural 8 per cent increase in net profit after tax to $75.6m. The company, which is 51 per cent owned by Fairfax Media, was spun out from Fairfax as a separately listed company in December.

Macdonald said group buying site Treat Me came in below "a bullish forecast". "We view group buying as a young and uncertain industry, but one that still has potential," he said.

Deutsche Bank analyst Arie Dekker said "the underlying result was strong and the performance of the key growth driver, classifieds, very encouraging".

Macdonald warned that the short-term outlook for the sluggish New Zealand economy was "frustratingly more of the same".

Trade Me shares fell 3 per cent yesterday to close at $3.01.


- ? Fairfax NZ News


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Day Two ? French ? Vegan Food For Thought

This is Aubergine and Mushroom Ragout from A Vegan Taste of France.? I threw in 4 small courgettes as they had come in the vegetable box and I didn?t have any other plans for them this week, plus I don?t think you can ruin a dish by adding more vegetables to it!? I don?t think the recipe meant shiitake mushrooms when it called for dried ones but that?s all I had to hand so it?s what I used.? I also used a French wine in it (nothing fancy, just a Sainsburys? house one) to stick with the theme.? The recipe said to serve it with rice or bread and s amy kids would attack you for a baguette I went with that option.

Other ingredients include tvp chunks (the recipe tells you how to reconstitute them but I just pulled some already reconstituted out of the freezer), mushrooms and aubergine (obviously), garlic, tomatoes and herbs.? I used a tin of drained chopped tomatoes as I didn?t have fresh having used them all up last night.? I also don?t have a bouquet garni so I threw in a few random herbs in random amounts.? I think it would have been better with the right herbage but I?m not going to buy bouquet garni just in case I want to make this again!

These books can be a little hit and miss and they?re quite old.? They?re also English so it?s all weights rather than cups which I find more fiddly.? They don?t have any index at all in them either which means that I very rarely use them as I don?t have the time or inclination to go through a whole book looking for something I might be able to make, indexes are my friends and I use the constantly so if a book has a bad one, or none at all, it tends to get pushed to the back and not used. This was a tasty meal though and pretty simple to make, plus it?s another way to use an aubergine as Jim seems to like them so much!

We had ice cream for pudding but I want to do a separate post on the ice cream I?ve made recently, plus I forgot to take a picture!

Back tomorrow should I not be too tired from all the cooking, it?s a much more involved meal?

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