Monday, July 23, 2012

How Can Physiotherapy Help With Cerebral Palsy | Health and Fitness

Health and Fitness | Health and Fitness | * Written by Stella Richard | Monday, 23 July 2012 02:08 | Word Count: 525

Cerebral Palsy is a varied neurological disorder which hampers day to day activities such as writing, singing, talking or hearing. The severity of the condition differs from person to person as no two individuals will have the same kind of condition. Due to such nature of the disorder, it is difficult to treat it with conventional medication. In such cases physiotherapy involving various exercises is helpful in controlling the symptoms. According to Vancouver physiotherapist, therapy should begin immediately in the young age in order to prevent any secondary disability.

Physiotherapy involves training through exercises and activities in order to improve motor skills as Cerebral Palsy is a defect that affects the brain?s capability to control muscles. Physiotherapy aims in increasing the muscle mobility of the patient. The techniques and exercises involved are based upon the limitations of the patients; those routines are chosen which will benefit the patient maximum. Physiotherapy can help the patient walk, talk as well as improve their movements.

Physiotherapy Sessions
A physiotherapist assists the patient to achieve physical independence through various exercises and activities.

The first session with the physiotherapist usually involves a detailed evaluation of the condition. Various questions pertaining to medical history, general health and current symptoms are researched. Such information helps to evaluate the condition of the patient and thus administrating the right techniques.

Further the physiotherapist assesses the patient?s movements and the conditions that affect their everyday life. A physiotherapist also evaluates the joint movements which helps them to form the treatment procedures.

Upon completing the evaluation of the patient the physiotherapist discusses a management and training program to overcome Cerebral Palsy symptoms. The management program also involves follow- up sessions which also include sessions with other healthcare professionals.

A session usually consists of;

? Assessment of eye and hand co ordination

? Recommendation on exercises and activities that will help the patient improve motor skills

? Posture recommendation

? Recommendation regarding the use of special equipments such as splints and mobility seats

? Recommendations for family and friends for proper care of the patient

? Recommendation for psychological evaluation

Finding the Right Physiotherapist:

It is necessary to find the right physiotherapist who has complete knowledge and understanding of the therapy. An established therapist who is well accustomed to the new developments in the field is the best person to seek guidance from. There are many physiotherapists who specialize in curing cerebral palsy and have experience in its treatment techniques. There are also many physiotherapist associations which specialize the curing of Cerebral Palsy and also undertake extensive research in the field thus helping to evolve new and improved techniques that can help patients further to cure their disorder.

Vancouver physiotherapist also recommends seeking help from other healthcare professionals such as occupational therapist, speech and language therapist and a psychologist in order to ensure a wholesome development of the patient. Such an approach helps the patient to overcome the disorder faster and lead a normal life.

Vancouver Physiotherapist advised you about the rise of oral problems, dental health and how one can deal with them with ease to one?s self.

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Author of this article: Stella Richard.

Number of Articles Published: 43

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Stella Richard joined FAFY - Free Article For You on Saturday, 26 May 2012.

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