Thursday, July 26, 2012

5 Ways to Create Killer Product Launches ? Make Money Online ...

Do you have the next awesome product that everyone should be buying?

If you are anything like me you are often thinking of a new killer product launch. A launch that will be so successful that you will never have to work another day in your life?don?t kid yourself! That is unlikely to happen. If it does please please please share with me your secrets. I would pay big bucks for this secret.

Product launches have become one of my main focuses as we near the end of 2012. I want to have a few successful launches to end the year with a big kick. I am fairly new to this part of my career as an Internet marketer. My main focus has been on my AWESOME niche websites that earn most of my online income. I began my?entrepreneurial life creating niche sites and article writing.?My very first niche site was purchased on eBay which began my interest in many other money making programs. I started buying into everything I could to earn a living only to find out that I was making the seller richer and I was not benefiting at all.

What kept me going was the small results from ebook sales on eBay as well as the mediocre results from my niche sites that I had purchased. I actually had no idea what I was doing. I was following a step by step guide which I happened to purchase from eBay. At that time eBay was one of the hottest places to buy and sell ebooks as well as websites. Little did I know there were better resources like and a few others to boot. The point of this story is I kept going and did not give up. I have no ounce of give up in me. I call that the easy way out. I am the type of person that if I am unable to do something I will keep trying until I master it. Don?t believe me ask my wife. I learned how to code that way. I started building websites as a result of my not a quitter attitude. It has gotten me this far so I am not giving that trait I have up.

Ok?so enough about my past marketing efforts and failures. Lets move on to the real subject of this blog post.


1. Past products you have purchased

We have all bought a special report or ebook that gives some sort of valuable information. The idea is to create a similar product and make it even better. Whether it is adding more value or a whole new perspective. Why not dig up some of those old ebooks that you bought or even created your self and rewrite them to make them more appealing and more of value. This is probably one of the most common ways people come up with great launches. They seen a product?there is the idea?they created their own version?there is the product?their version had more to offer?there is the value.

Keep in mind that when using this method you want to make sure that you are creating your own product not copy and pasting. It is unethical to say the least.

You can do this with services, software, etc. Get creative.

2. Your blog magically turns into an ebook

Is your blog a popular blog with lots of great tutorials or content on topics that have value to anyone reading them? If you answered yes to this question you can create an ebook with lots of your already created blog content saving you loads of time. All you have to do is make the blog articles flow. Put them together in a way that it makes sense in your new ebook. You don?t have to tell people what you did but you can. You can post this on Amazon and earn a decent profit and gain a new audience all at the same time. Sounds pretty cool?RIGHT? I think so!

3. Find a need?Create a solution

This has to be one of the most popular product creation methods out there. Most?software?sold online was created to do something or do something with ease. Lets say for example this blog. I use WordPress a free software that makes having a website or blog easier than it was 15 years ago. Themes are another great example. People with no design skill or coding knowledge can now create a professional looking website all because someone thought to create a theme that would fit right in with WordPress. Need I say anymore?

Find a need?create a solution and market that solution. You don?t have to have thousands of dollars to create a solution. It can be a simple solution but still a solution that fixes a?particular?issue. You can even use this method and method 1 together. The need was already fixed but maybe you can do it even better. Get creative and you will be surprised the outcome.

4. Graphic packs are real good sellers

Are you a creative designer and have a skill that allows you to create web art so good that it converts well when used on your own web properties? Create a graphics pack full of graphics that appeal to a large audience. I like seeing graphic packs with great call to action art. That is a big seller to me. I know a lot of my friends in the business like optin forms and squeeze pages. These are really good sellers if they are of great quality. Once again get creative and out do your competitor. I suggest checking out similar products and creating the same time of graphics with your own style and add to it. Go above and beyond.

This method could easily turn into a membership package or a service. You could offer a membership package and offer new graphics each day, week or however you want to do it. The more you offer the better your sign up numbers will be.

Bonus Content

Here are 5 ways to engage your audience and increase overall sales:

Your story?? Let your audience get to know you a little by telling them your story and why you created this product to help them. This builds rapport with them and gives them a chance to like you. Remember to keep your story on topic and more targeted toward your target audience.

Your audience?s pop point?? Tap into the emotions and what the cost is of not taking action.

Benefits?? Tell your audience how this will benefit them. Give them the key points to a solution they are looking for once again tapping into their emotions.

Testimonials?? Testimonials and success stories are sometimes all a buyer needs to make their decision on whether or not to click the shiny button that say ?BUY NOW?. A great way to get testimonials or reviews is to offer your product free to about 10 people in exchange for an honest review of the product. Due to the new FTC regulations you must have proof of your testimonials and reviews. Be sure to keep those handy if you ever need them.

Call to action?? give people reason to act right away. Mention things like this price is to only for the first [#] buyers then it jumps [this much], using your own judgment on the number you use of course. Also saying like, this deal closes in [this amount of time] etc. Get creative with your call to action. I love to use arrows pointing to my action button or form and I never use the words ?buy now? in the button. It is more along the lines of ?Gain Instant Access? or ?Download Now?.


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