Monday, July 30, 2012

Arrow ECS Leadership Call: Negotiating in Turbulent Times

We can all relate to this topic because in today's challenging business climate, the ability to negotiate can make the difference between success and failure. That's why Ed Brodow's entertaining and informative negotiation session is always SRO: Standing Room Only, or WRO (Webinar Room Only) at Arrow.

His message is that you can overcome the current economic malaise and outpace your competition by utilizing core negotiation strategies, such as aiming high, challenging negative assumptions, and improving listening skills. You will love how Ed relates his talk to your unique issues. Ed's high energy, humorous anecdotes, and useful ideas will create an upbeat session that you should not miss.

About Ed:
Ed Brodow is the world's top spokesman on the art of negotiation. Former SEC Chairman Harvey Pitt dubbed Ed "The King of Negotiators." Forbes Magazine agreed, ranking Ed as one of America's leading dealmakers. He is the bestselling author of Negotiation Boot Camp: How to Resolve Conflict, Satisfy Customers, and Make Better Deals (Doubleday) and has appeared as negotiating expert on PBS, ABC National News, Fox News, Inside Edition, and Fortune Business Report

Date:? August 14, 2012
Time:? 2:00 - 3:00 pm


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