Saturday, September 29, 2012

Students parade their pets at SWG

By BRANDON L. SUMMERS, , Messenger News

Southeast Webster Grand Elementary held its annual pet parade Friday.

The school's first-grade students have completed a section on animals in their science unit, and celebrated by bringing their pets from home.

"What kind of pets did we learn about?" science teacher Jennifer Axness asked her class.

Article Photos

-Messenger photo by Brandon L. Summers
Brylie Butrick holds her crested Swedish duck at Southeast Webster Grand?s annual pet parade Friday.

-Messenger photo by Brandon L. Summers
Student Mikayla Stevens, left, pets the lizard, Lizzie, brought by her classmate Jace Hanson and held by his father, Matt Hanson, at Southeast Webster Grand?s annual Pet Parade Friday.

The students answered, in unison, "Mammals, fish, amphibians, reptiles and birds."

Asked what are some of the things they've learned, the students, in turn, answered that birds have two stomachs, mammals drink milk from their mothers, fish have cold blood and need gills to breathe.

They also learned that mammals have four-chambered hearts and are born alive.

The first-grade students were also able to identify an animal's type by its characteristics.

"What do we know about giraffes? What kind of animal would they be?" Axness asked.

The students answered that it is a mammal, because it is warm-blooded and has fur.

Parents brought the students' pets from home to show to their classmates. Friday the classroom was filled with dogs as big as a Labrador and as small as a Chihuahua, a turtle, a lizard, a rabbit and a grown cat and a kitten. Students without a pet were allowed to bring a stuffed animal.

Student Brylie Butrick showed her crested Swedish duck, which honked loudly, to the other students' delight.

Axness asked the students what they have to do to care for their animals. They answered that the animals have to be bathed, given fresh water and food and be loved.

"They need love and care just like we do, don't they?" she said.

After showing their pets to the class, the students lined up along the elementary school's basketball court to display the animals to their fellow schoolmates. Outside, students got to pet each animal and learn about them.

Student Riley Sorenson, with her grandfather, Troy Sorenson, showed her pet goat, Daisy.

While students admired the animals, judges circulated to give awards. Awards included most unusual, hairiest, cutest, cleanest and happiest.

Axness said she enjoys holding the pet parade.

"This is my second time, and it's been something I enjoy a lot," she said.

Asked if they enjoyed learning about animals, Axness's students answered, loudly and in unison, "Yeah!"


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