Sunday, September 30, 2012

Irish famine museum opening at Connecticut university

HAMDEN, Conn. ? Quinnipiac University in Connecticut is opening a museum dedicated to the Irish famine.

College officials say Ireland?s Great Hunger Museum has the world?s largest collection of visual art, artifacts and printed materials related to the famine. It?s set to open to the public on Oct. 11 on campus in Hamden.

The collection focuses on the famine years from 1845 to 1852, when blight destroyed virtually all of Ireland?s potato crops. More than 1 million died and about 2 million emigrated to the United States and other countries.

Quinnipiac President John Lahey, the former grand marshal of the New York City St. Patrick?s Day parade, predicts the museum will be a large draw for Irish-Americans and others.

? Copyright 2012 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.


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99% Finding Nemo 3D

All Critics (221) | Top Critics (45) | Fresh (231) | Rotten (2) | DVD (48)

A genuinely funny and touching film that, in less than a decade, has established itself as a timeless classic.

It makes even more compelling what is still my all-time favorite Pixar film.

Think of this re-release as an encore, a handy touchstone for you and your kids. "Finding Nemo" was and remains the gold standard against which all other modern animated films are measured, a classic from the day it premiered.

In this seamless blending of technical brilliance and storytelling verve, the Pixar team has made something as marvelously soulful and innately, fluidly American as jazz.

Nemo, with its ravishing underwater fantasia, manages to trump the design glamour of earlier Pixar films.

Finding Nemo 3D is a quality post-conversion experience that successfully enhances the 2003 film's original standout visuals.

The 3D gives the images a little more depth but they already had heft and weight. The 3D is a money-making gimmick, nothing more.

A great blend of storytelling and technology.

It's downright curmudgeonly to remain focused on the negatives when the rest of the picture is saturated with invention and wit.

It's bright, it's beautiful and it hasn't aged a day. So why, then, do we need to see it in 3-D?

A rare example of a movie that not only survives its 3-D conversion but benefits from it

It was as funny as I remember and brilliant because it is subtle. It just knocks it out of the park. I love everything about this movie, one of my favorite Pixar movies of all time, 5/5 Schmoes. The new sound/3D adds to the greatness that is Nemo.

If you're fishing for fun in an ocean of movie mediocrity, grab the kids or the grandkids, fork out a few extra bucks and see this one in three-dimensions.

It's a great movie, so much fun, an acheivement that should be enjoyed by children of all ages and worth seeing it in 3D.

Sea-worthy w/enhanced visual lure and rich, humorous characters set in a double narrative; this 3D revisit allows us to fall overboard all over again.

If ever there was a film that wasn't broke, this is it. So naturally they converted it into 3D for a special re-release this weekend. (Stupid irony.)

I believe my sensitivity to certain creative choices of the picture has dulled some, while age has opened my eyes to its complex relationships and tireless sense of exploration.

When the blunt head of Bruce the shark slams into the screen like a hammer, everyone -- adults included -- gasps

At its best, the added dimension is merely harmless, making the movie blurry enough that you need special glasses to make it sharp again.

[VIDEO ESSAY] Disney/Pixar's 3D upgrade of its classic animated children's movie - using the expensive Xpand 3D format - has the duel effect of darkening the film's vibrant colors while adding considerable depth to the screen.

More Critic Reviews


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Saturday, September 29, 2012

Sudan tells UN that debts must be canceled as it struggles to recover from losing oil revenue to South Sudan - @Reuters

UNITED NATIONS | Sat Sep 29, 2012 2:39pm EDT

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Sudan told the United Nations General Assembly on Saturday that its debts must be canceled and its economy supported as it struggles to recover from losing three-quarters of its critical oil revenue to South Sudan when it seceded a year ago.

The International Monetary Fund this week urged Sudan to meet donors to discuss debt relief and some IMF board members called for "exceptional efforts" from the IMF and the global community to help Sudan reduce its debt of about $40 billion.

"Sudan requires assistance to go through this very sensitive stage towards better horizons. For that we believe that debts must be canceled and its economy supported," Sudanese Foreign Minister Ali Ahmed Karti said.

South Sudan seceded in July 2011. Leaders from both states finally reached a border security deal on Wednesday to restart badly needed oil exports, but failed to solve the other key conflicts left over from when they split.

The pair failed to settle the fate of at least five disputed oil-producing regions along the border. Tensions over the unmarked 1,200-mile (1930-km) common border spilled over into fighting in April, when South Sudan's army briefly occupied the Heglig oilfield, vital to Sudan's economy.

They were also unable to reach a solution for the border region of Abyei, which has symbolic significance to both and is rich in grazing lands. Plans for a referendum have failed over the question of who should participate.

"We have been determined to tackle the reasons for war and strife despite the strong economic and political pressures being brought to bear against my country and unfair sanctions imposed by the United States," Karti said.

Washington still maintains its 1997 embargo on the country over Sudan's role in hosting prominent Islamist militants. The sanctions restrict U.S. trade and investment with Sudan and block the assets of the Sudanese government.

The United States and other powers criticize Sudan for human rights violations and a harsh crackdown on rebels. Western powers also shun Sudanese President Omar Hassan al-Bashir who was indicted by the International Criminal Court over war crimes in Darfur, the site of a nearly decade-old insurgency. (Reporting by Michelle Nichols; Editing by Sandra Maler)


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Bradley-Mickelson off to another fast start

MEDINAH, Ill. (AP) ? Keegan Bradley and Phil Mickelson are picking up right where they left off.

The Americans won their first two holes at the Ryder Cup on Saturday without having to make a putt. They had a chance to go 3 up on Lee Westwood and Luke Donald, but Bradley missed an 8-footer by inches.

Bradley, a Ryder Cup rookie, was the star of Friday's show, teaming with his good buddy Mickelson to take down Europe's two best teams. They were rolling from the start Saturday. Mickelson put his second shot on No. 1 within 2 feet of the pin, and the Europeans conceded. They gave the Americans the hole on No. 2 after Westwood put his tee shot in the water and missed the bogey putt.

The U.S. leads Europe 5-3.


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Students parade their pets at SWG

By BRANDON L. SUMMERS, , Messenger News

Southeast Webster Grand Elementary held its annual pet parade Friday.

The school's first-grade students have completed a section on animals in their science unit, and celebrated by bringing their pets from home.

"What kind of pets did we learn about?" science teacher Jennifer Axness asked her class.

Article Photos

-Messenger photo by Brandon L. Summers
Brylie Butrick holds her crested Swedish duck at Southeast Webster Grand?s annual pet parade Friday.

-Messenger photo by Brandon L. Summers
Student Mikayla Stevens, left, pets the lizard, Lizzie, brought by her classmate Jace Hanson and held by his father, Matt Hanson, at Southeast Webster Grand?s annual Pet Parade Friday.

The students answered, in unison, "Mammals, fish, amphibians, reptiles and birds."

Asked what are some of the things they've learned, the students, in turn, answered that birds have two stomachs, mammals drink milk from their mothers, fish have cold blood and need gills to breathe.

They also learned that mammals have four-chambered hearts and are born alive.

The first-grade students were also able to identify an animal's type by its characteristics.

"What do we know about giraffes? What kind of animal would they be?" Axness asked.

The students answered that it is a mammal, because it is warm-blooded and has fur.

Parents brought the students' pets from home to show to their classmates. Friday the classroom was filled with dogs as big as a Labrador and as small as a Chihuahua, a turtle, a lizard, a rabbit and a grown cat and a kitten. Students without a pet were allowed to bring a stuffed animal.

Student Brylie Butrick showed her crested Swedish duck, which honked loudly, to the other students' delight.

Axness asked the students what they have to do to care for their animals. They answered that the animals have to be bathed, given fresh water and food and be loved.

"They need love and care just like we do, don't they?" she said.

After showing their pets to the class, the students lined up along the elementary school's basketball court to display the animals to their fellow schoolmates. Outside, students got to pet each animal and learn about them.

Student Riley Sorenson, with her grandfather, Troy Sorenson, showed her pet goat, Daisy.

While students admired the animals, judges circulated to give awards. Awards included most unusual, hairiest, cutest, cleanest and happiest.

Axness said she enjoys holding the pet parade.

"This is my second time, and it's been something I enjoy a lot," she said.

Asked if they enjoyed learning about animals, Axness's students answered, loudly and in unison, "Yeah!"


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U.S. immigration to treat same-sex partners as relatives

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - The Obama administration has directed immigration officials to recognize same-sex partners as family members in deportation cases, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said on Friday.

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano told Pelosi in a letter that she had ordered U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement to notify its field offices "that the interpretation of the phrase ?family relationships' includes long-term, same-sex partners."

Pelosi welcomed the federal recognition of gay and lesbian couples. At the same time, she called for more to be done to protect undocumented immigrants in long-term relationships with American citizens.

Napolitano's directive "will provide a measure of clarity and confidence to families dealing with separation in immigration cases," Pelosi said in a written statement. "Our nation is served when loving families are kept together."

But she added: "We need to ... relegate DOMA to the dustbin of history." The 1996 Defense of Marriage Act bars the federal government from extending federal benefits, such as Social Security, to married gay and lesbian couples.

DOMA restricts the Obama administration from outright ordering that gay and lesbian couples be treated the same as heterosexual couples.

Last year, Attorney General Eric Holder and President Barack Obama called DOMA unconstitutional and said they would no longer defend the measure in court. In response, the Republican-controlled U.S. House of Representatives stepped in to fund an effort to try to uphold the law.

The U.S. Supreme Court is expected to decide next month whether it will review a number of cases questioning the constitutionality of DOMA.

Meanwhile, married couples like Brian Willingham, 38, and Alfonso Garcia, 35, of Orinda, California, have been fighting for the right to be considered related in the eyes of immigration authorities. After a traffic stop, officials began deportation proceedings against Garcia, who came to the United States from Mexico when he was 14.

"We're definitely happy that the Obama administration took this good first step," Willingham told Reuters Friday. "But it's just a Band-Aid. It helps us because we are faced with deportation. But it leaves thousands of couples in exile."

Immigration officials last year said they would consider same-sex partnerships as family relations in deciding whether to deport undocumented immigrants.

But 83 members of Congress led by Pelosi and Jerrold Nadler of New York criticized the government for unevenly applying the directive, and they pressed for written guidelines.

"This is a huge step forward," said Rachel B. Tiven, executive director of Immigration Equality, a national gay-rights group. "Until now, LGBT families and their lawyers had nothing to rely on but an oral promise. The administration's written guidance will help families facing separation and the field officers who are reviewing their cases."

(Reporting By Ronnie Cohen; Editing by Mary Wisniewski and Todd Eastham)


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Friday, September 28, 2012

Salt marsh carbon may play role in slowing climate warming, study shows

Thursday, September 27, 2012

A warming climate and rising seas will enable salt marshes to more rapidly capture and remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, possibly playing a role in slowing the rate of climate change, according to a new study led by a University of Virginia environmental scientist and published in the journal Nature.

Carbon dioxide is the predominant so-called "greenhouse gas" that acts as sort of an atmospheric blanket, trapping the Earth's heat. Over time, an abundance of carbon dioxide can change the global climate, according to generally accepted scientific theory. A warmer climate melts polar ice, causing sea levels to rise.

A large portion of the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is produced by human activities, primarily the burning of fossil fuels to energize a rapidly growing world human population.

"We predict that marshes will absorb some of that carbon dioxide, and if other coastal ecosystems ? such as seagrasses and mangroves ? respond similarly, there might be a little less warming," said the study's lead author, Matt Kirwan, a research assistant professor of environmental sciences in the College of Arts & Sciences.

Salt marshes, made up primarily of grasses, are important coastal ecosystems, helping to protect shorelines from storms and providing habitat for a diverse range of wildlife, from birds to mammals, shell- and fin-fishes and mollusks. They also build up coastal elevations by trapping sediment during floods, and produce new soil from roots and decaying organic matter.

"One of the cool things about salt marshes is that they are perhaps the best example of an ecosystem that actually depends on carbon accumulation to survive climate change: The accumulation of roots in the soil builds their elevation, keeping the plants above the water," Kirwan said.

Salt marshes store enormous quantities of carbon, essential to plant productivity, by, in essence, breathing in the atmospheric carbon and then using it to grow, flourish and increase the height of the soil. Even as the grasses die, the carbon remains trapped in the sediment. The researchers' model predicts that under faster sea-level rise rates, salt marshes could bury up to four times as much carbon as they do now.

"Our work indicates that the value of these ecosystems in capturing atmospheric carbon might become much more important in the future, as the climate warms," Kirwan said.

But the study also shows that marshes can survive only moderate rates of sea level rise. If seas rise too quickly, the marshes could not increase their elevations at a rate rapid enough to stay above the rising water. And if marshes were to be overcome by fast-rising seas, they no longer could provide the carbon storage capacity that otherwise would help slow climate warming and the resulting rising water.

"At fast levels of sea level rise, no realistic amount of carbon accumulation will help them survive," Kirwan noted.

Kirwan and his co-author, Simon Mudd, a geosciences researcher at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, used computer models to predict salt marsh growth rates under different climate change and sea-level scenarios.


University of Virginia:

Thanks to University of Virginia for this article.

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Bhutanese Artisans Demonstrate Basket ... - Cathedral Antiques Show

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Home / Events, Featured / WABE?s City Caf? John Lemley to Host Discussion at The Cathedral of St. Philip

Bhutan BasketsThis Sunday, at The Cathedral of St. Philip, you will be able to enjoy a morning with?Cathedral member and host of WABE?s City Caf?, John Lemley, and Emily Pelton, Executive Director of Refugee Family Services (RFS). John will ?host? a discussion with leaders of RFS. You will also be able to meet some?of the refugees whose lives we?ll touch through this important community outreach project, the 2013 Cathedral Antiques Show and Tour of Homes

Entrepreneurial Bhutanese artisans from Bhutan Baskets will be doing live basket weaving and selling finished baskets made out of the kudzu vine.

Bhutan Baskets?began five years ago as a result of an astute observation made by an ESOL teacher at Druid Hills High School and the positive response of volunteers in the area. ?The teacher had noticed that some of her students were coming to school without shoes and wearing the same set of clothes every day. ?Volunteers gathered to assist the people living in a refugee apartment complex with a variety of projects, one of which was creating a garden in the complex. ?Unfortunately, the area suffered from an overgrowth of kudzu, a common affliction in Georgia. ?While reclaiming the land from this insidious vine, some had the idea to weave baskets from the plant. ?Bhutan Baskets was born.

Weaving Bhutan BasketsBhutan Baskets helps Bhutanese artisans generate income and hope for the future. ?At the demonstration this Sunday, you will be able to see the incredible skill with which these artisans weave their baskets, and you can purchase the handmade baskets for use in your own home. ?All proceeds from the sales support the artisans; for many it is their only source of income. ?Cash and check are accepted at this sale.

The discussion with Refugee Family Services leaders will be held this Sunday in Child Hall at 10:10 a.m. ? The Cathedral of St. Philip, 2744 Peachtree Road, NW, Atlanta, GA 30305.


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Scientist at Work Blog: Loading Up and Heading Out

Jim Thomson is principal oceanographer at the Applied Physics Lab at the University of Washington. He studies ocean surface waves and coastal processes.

Wednesday, Sept. 26
32.715 degrees north latitude, 117.156 degrees west latitude

It?s been a rough start. The team flew to San Diego over the weekend to meet the ship and load our equipment. On Friday, before we left, someone e-mailed from the Marine Facility to say that our shipping container had not arrived yet ? and did we know when to expect it? We expected it Friday, that?s when.

That container was filled with more than $500,000 worth of equipment, the result of countless hours in the lab and many late nights writing grant proposals. It was filled with everything we need for this expedition, and in large part what we need for many more years of wave research.

Then, on Saturday, the Waverider buoy at Station P missed its daily satellite transmission. Was the battery finally dead? If so, we would spend eight days traveling across the North Pacific to go find a needle in a haystack.

The Waverider buoy is 1 meter in diameter, and nearly invisible amid 10-meter waves. Sure, it?s moored at a specific location, and we have those coordinates, but the ?watch circle? that the mooring moves within is almost a mile across. (The large watch circle results from the 4,200-meter depth of the mooring, since even a small change in mooring angle results in large horizontal displacement.)

I have been expecting this cruise to be challenging. I did not expect the challenges to occur while we were still on land.

On Monday, we arrived at the pier and found our shipping container right there waiting for us ? the e-mail on Friday had just been a miscommunication and there had been a mislabeling. Relieved, we began to unload and, with the help of the ship?s crew, transfer our equipment onto the ship.

Transferring onto the ship is simple: Wire shipping crates, four feet on a side, are pulled out of our steel container and lifted aboard with a crane. While helping us load, the ship?s crew is equally busy with maintenance, safety checks and gathering provisions. (To feed 20 people for three weeks, the boxes of butter alone are staggering.)

More complicated than loading is the installation of our instruments. In addition to the autonomous Swift buoys we will deploy, we will make several measurements from the ship, and these instruments must be well secured before we leave. Once we are offshore, it will be too rough to make any adjustments.

At the bow of the ship, we have a specialized anemometer to measure the turbulence in the wind, complete with motion compensation for the pitch, roll and heave of the ship. Above the pilot house, we have a camera system (also motion compensated) to record the statistics of the breaking waves that we drive through.

At the stern of the ship, we have a tethered balloon, or aerostat, that we will fly above the ship to get a better view of the breaking waves. With a long day on Monday, we installed all of these systems, only to find that the camera system wasn?t working. It was too heavy, relative to the mount, for the stabilization motors.

On Tuesday, we successfully modified the camera system and then laid out the new Waverider mooring on the deck. The new mooring will replace the current one (the one without any recent satellite communications) when we arrive at Station P. We spooled 4,200 meters of mooring line from the dock to the ship?s winch. It took only four hours.

Now, it?s early Wednesday morning, and we are setting off at 7 a.m. We?re ready, and the ship is ready, but the Waverider buoy hasn?t made a satellite call in five days. That?s too long for just bad reception; the battery must be dead. That means a big search lies ahead at Station P. But first, we hope for some wind and waves to measure on the way there. One thing at a time.


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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Suitable Technologies introduces Beam, the remote presence device (hands-on)

Suitable Technologies intros Beam, the remote presence device handson

Telepresence is a booming business these days, with high speed wireless networks enabling plenty of folks to enjoy the pleasures of working (or attending class) from the comfort of home. While some such devices leverage the power of tablets or smartphones, the visual and audio quality such systems deliver often isn't up to corporate standards. Enter Suitable Technologies and its Beam remote presence device (RPD). As a spinoff of famed 'bot builder Willow Garage, the folks at Suitable figured they could provide a high-fidelity telepresence experience by building an RPD from scratch, and that's precisely what they've done with Beam. Its brain is a 1.3Ghz Intel Core i3 CPU and it moves around courtesy of dual brushless electric motors driven by an integrated car battery. That battery fills up in right around six hours using the Beam Dock, and the LED lamps underneath the screen shine whenever Beam is being used. Users, or "pilots" see where they're going via two Logitech HD webcams sporting custom lenses that grant near 180-degree views and zoom capability -- one's front-facing, and one points down for easy navigation in tight spaces. Connectivity comes courtesy of four WiFi antennas (two 2.4 GHz and two 5GHz) to ensure a solid connection at all times, while the seven microphones provide top-notch voice quality and noise cancellation. Oh, and there's a 17-inch monitor and a speaker on board to faithfully replicate what pilots look and sound like.

We got a chance to meet the Beam's makers and take the RPD for a spin, so join us after the break to see a video of the thing in action and learn more about Beam's development.

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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

When thinking about doing a home improvement project, consider ...

One of the quickest, easiest and cheapest ways to improve your home is paint. Whether it is the outside or the inside, both areas will look new and transformed. Pick neutral shades and brighter trim colors. Plain white walls tend to make your home look like a rental and not owner occupied.

Have a clear path and share it with everyone working on the home. Many issues that arise with home improvement, occur when people are not communicating their wishes with each other. Your partner may want a golden bathroom, but if you have not taken the time to discuss it, it could lead to problems down the road.

Be flexible. Remember, just because you want something done in 2 months, it may take longer than this. You should also be flexible with your budget and the resources you have. You should always factor in the extra time it may take to complete and any extra money that may be involved.

When thinking about doing a home improvement project, consider upgrading your appliances. Get rid of your old appliances. Nothing looks worse than having dated appliances in a home that also cost a considerable amount of money because they are not energy efficient. Sleek new appliances add value to the home and will help save energy too.

A good way to get things done in your house is to ask for help from friends and family. You might want to ask close friends and family members to help you repaint your kitchen. You can pay them off by buying them lunch or taking them out to dinner, it?s probably cheaper than hiring someone to do the job for you.

When replacing flooring, think about the kind of foot-traffic that will be in the room. Stone and ceramic floors are perfect for high traffic areas such as the foyer and bathroom. Areas in your home that have low traffic, such as personal bedrooms, are better suited for flooring that is more attractive but harder to clean.

Make sure that your home is well insulated. Insulation is important in keeping the temperature of your home consistent, regardless of the temperature outside of your home. This is helpful in keeping down the cost of your energy bill in the heating and cooling of your house. Insulation is also effective in reducing the noise coming from outside. Furthermore, it adds to the value of your home (be sure to keep all receipts and invoices so that you can prove what work was done).

As was stated in the beginning of the article, many people find it to be a hassle when they have to make home improvements. Knowing how to make these improvements in an efficient way can eliminate these negative feelings. Use the tips that this article has provided you to make home improvements fun!

Learn more on overseas removals or international removals.

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Special Education Law 101 - Part III - Yes

IMPORTANT - Please Note:

This Special Education Law Blog is intended for educational purposes only. Nothing said in the posts, comments or elsewhere in this blog should be construed as legal advice. If you have a dispute or any other legal problem, you should confer with an attorney who is licensed to practice law in your state. Any reference or description of individuals that resembles actual persons or any reference to what appears to be personally identifiable information is purely coincidental and unintentional. All comments, posts or other discussion should be accepted in the spirit of philosophical debate rather than as instruction or advice of any kind. Any abusive, profane, offensive or defamatory language of any kind is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated.
Disclosure Policy(FTC) (effective 11/09/2009)
This blog is a personal and business blog written and edited by Jim Gerl. For questions about this blog, please contact This blog does not accept advertising, sponsorship, or paid insertions. I write for my own purposes and for exposure of my business . However, I may be influenced by my background, occupation, religion, political affiliation or experience. The owner of this blog does not receive compensation in any direct way from this blog. This blog may contain content which could present a conflict of interest; such content will be identified in the post in which it occurs.

Conference Registration Links

Seattle University Academy for IDEA HOs
July 10 - 13, 2012
Seattle WA
Register here

National Association of Hearing Officers
Annual Conference
October 14 - 17, 2012
San Antonio, TX
Register here

Tri-State Special Education Law Conference
(Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska)
November 8-9, 2012
Omaha, NE
Register here

NOTE: I will also be speaking at conferences/ trainings that are not open to the public in St Thomas, Virgin Islands; Boise, ID; Harrisburg, PA; New Brunswick, New Jersey and Charleston, WV. Please contact me at if you will be in those areas.


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iPhone 3GS and iPhone 3G: Ultimate DIY repair guide

iPhone 3G & iPhone 3GS: Ultimate DIY repair guide

If you've got an iPhone 3G or iPhone 3GS that you're just not ready to part with yet, we've got a tonsof DIY repair guides to help you keep it in the best condition possible. And when you're ready to upgrade, early generation iPhones are great to pass down to kids or other family members.

Whether you've got a cracked screen, blown earpiece, bad battery, or any other problem - we've most likely got the guide you'll need to keep your iPhone in working order. Most repairs don't cost very much and the iPhone 3G & 3GS are some of the most repairable models of iPhones ever released. If you're willing to put in the small amount of time it takes to keep it in good condition, our guides will help you do just that.

Not sure what's causing an issue? Just check below for some information on each repair and match up your symptoms with the appropriate repair.

Note: The following repair guides will work with either an iPhone 3G or an iPhone 3GS. There are very subtle differences internally and any part or procedure that may vary from model to model will be noted within each guide.

How to replace a cracked or shattered screen in an iPhone 3G/3GS


You probably don't need to know any symptoms or diagnostics for this one. If you dropped it and it broke, we can help you fix it. This repair will fix cracked glass and a non-responsive touch screen.

If the picture on your screen is fine and only the glass is cracked, you'll just need to replace the digitizer and we can walk you through how. Occasionally the LCD can get damaged from a drop as well. While this isn't very common, it does happen from time to time depending on how hard the iPhone was dropped. If that is the case, we can help you replace the LCD as well.

How to replace the LCD screen in an iPhone 3G/3GS


Whether you dropped your iPhone 3G or 3GS or the LCD has just died, this guide will help you replace it. Symptoms of a defective or busted LCD can include lines through the display, lots of dead pixels, a white screen, black screen, or extremely dim screen. In some instances, you can see discoloration or bleed spots in the display.

If you're experiencing any of these symptoms, you most likely need to install a new LCD.

How to replace the battery in an iPhone 3G/3GS


Considering the iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS are both a few years old now, many users experience drastic battery loss after so many charge cycles. Whether your iPhone is dying quickly or refuses to hold a charge anymore, a replacement battery can breathe plenty of new life into it.

Symptoms of a dying battery can include short time spans off a charger before dying and in some instances, the iPhone won't boot up at all. If you're experiencing any of these, it's time to replace that battery.

How to replace the proximity sensor (induction flex) in an iPhone 3G/3GS


The induction flex is what controls your auto brightness (ambient light sensor) and proximity sensor. If your phone refuses to dim when auto brightness is activated or the screen doesn't turn off when it's against your face causing you to press buttons unintentionally while on a call, putting a new induction flex in can solve the issue.

How to replace the earpiece speaker in an iPhone 3G/3GS


The earpiece speaker is located inside the top of the display and is what you hear callers out of when on a call. If the earpiece has stopped working or creates bad feedback including high pitched tones, garbled audio, or low volume regardless how high you turn it up, it's probably time to replace it.

The repair isn't too time consuming and will get your iPhone 3G or iPhone 3GS call quality back to where it should be in no time.

How to replace the vibrator assembly in an iPhone 3G/3GS


Vibrator assemblies run on motors and occasionally those motors can burn out over time. Whether your iPhone 3G or iPhone 3GS isn't producing vibration alerts at all anymore or they seem really faint, a new vibrator assembly can get you back to working order.

Other symptoms include unpleasant loud whirring noises when activating the vibrator.

Note: The 3GS in particular is prone to issues with the vibrator switch. This is not the same as the assembly. The switch issue typically is caused by a bad cable in the top left corner. Symptoms of this problem can be unwanted vibrations when pushing in the upper left hand corner of the iPhone. We'll have a guide coming on this in the near future.

How to replace the rear facing camera in an iPhone 3G/3GS


Considering the rear facing camera is the only camera in the iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS, it's pretty important to many users. If your camera isn't working any longer, a replacement is cheap and the repair is pretty simple to perform.

Symptoms of a defective or broken camera can include the shutter not opening inside the camera app (we recommend a software restore before assuming it's a hardware problem), lines through the screen, blurry image quality (make sure the lens is not scratched on the rear casing), or dark images.

How to replace the dock connector assembly in an iPhone 3G/3GS


The dock connector in the iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS actually contains or affects several functions and components including the following:

  • Microphone
  • Loud speaker
  • Charge port (30-pin connector)
  • Wi-Fi antenna
  • Cellular Antenna
  • Home button contact

Replacing the dock connector can solve problem issues with any of the above referenced components. Symptoms can range from no cell or Wi-Fi signal, no Home button functionality (the digitizer assembly can also be the culprit in this case), an iPhone that won't charge, no sound when the phone rings or when on speakerphone, or callers can't hear you when on a call.

If you're experiencing any of these issues, the dock connector is a good place to start when it comes to fixing the issue.

More DIY guides & help

Don't have an iPhone 3G or 3GS but looking for help fixing another iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch model? Odds are we've got you covered. Hit the links below for even more guides on everything from other iPhone variants to iPad to iPod touch. And if we don't, we add more and more guides every week so make sure to check our mod page regularly for updated guides on everything DIY.

If you're trying to perform a repair and run into issues or still need help figuring out what's causing a problem, our mod and DIY forums are a great place to start. If you still can't find what you're looking for, feel free to e-mail guide suggestions and questions to me at


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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Photos: A roundup of the day's best images

An illegal settler cries next to her husband as they are being detained by a member of the SWAT police team during a demolition in Manila's Makati financial district September 24, 2012. Dozens of slum residents of an abandoned government compound clashed with the police on Monday in an attempt to block a demolition order issued by the local government. REUTERS/Erik De Castro (PHILIPPINES - Tags: CRIME LAW CIVIL UNREST POLITICS SOCIETY TPX IMAGES ... more?An illegal settler cries next to her husband as they are being detained by a member of the SWAT police team during a demolition in Manila's Makati financial district September 24, 2012. Dozens of slum residents of an abandoned government compound clashed with the police on Monday in an attempt to block a demolition order issued by the local government. REUTERS/Erik De Castro (PHILIPPINES - Tags: CRIME LAW CIVIL UNREST POLITICS SOCIETY TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY) less?


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Vikings take down 49ers in odd finish

Ponder throws 2 TD passes to TE Rudolph, runs for another score

Associated Press Sports

updated 6:18 p.m. ET Sept. 23, 2012

MINNEAPOLIS - Christian Ponder didn't flinch, even against that swarming San Francisco defense. Minnesota's quarterback has come a long way from his rough rookie season.

Ponder threw two touchdown passes to tight end Kyle Rudolph and ran for another score to help the Vikings hand the 49ers their first defeat, 24-13 on Sunday.

After a dominant start to their NFC North tour by decisively beating playoff teams Green Bay and Detroit, the 49ers (2-1) were beaten in every way by the team least likely to do so.

The Vikings (2-1) began the game boldly with a fourth-and-goal touchdown pass by Ponder to his favorite target Rudolph. They finished strong by forcing three turnovers and two punts by the 49ers in the fourth quarter.

Playing against his former team in the regular season for the first time, Randy Moss had a quiet afternoon with three catches for 27 yards. Frank Gore managed only 63 yards on 12 carries, and Alex Smith's franchise-record interception-free streak ended at 249 straight passes when Vikings rookie Josh Robinson picked him off. Toby Gerhart lost two fumbles for Minnesota in the fourth quarter, and it didn't even matter.

This bad game grew worse for the 49ers when star linebacker Patrick Willis walked gingerly off the field with assistance with an apparent injury to his right leg. Smith finished 24 for 35 for 204 yards, plus a lost fumble on a late sack.

He found tight end Vernon Davis on consecutive passes, the second one a 1-yard play-action fake, in the third quarter to pull within 17-13. The Vikings blew 17-0 and 20-0 halftime leads last September in losing consecutive home games to Tampa Bay and Detroit.

But with one third-and-goal pass by Ponder - Adrian Peterson was wide open next to Rudolph, who reached around Donte Whitner to corral it - the lead was back to 11 and the Vikings were on their way to burying that painful start to last year's 3-13 record. That drive was fueled by three 49ers penalties, including two unnecessary roughness calls, one by Dashon Goldson against Rudolph.

The 49ers have had the NFL's stingiest run defense since 2009, allowing barely 3 1/2 yards per attempt, and Peterson received another grueling reminder of that. Even the holes that appeared at the line closed up in a hurry. He finished with 86 yards on 25 carries.

Ponder was up to the challenge, though. Entering the game with the league's best completion percentage, he kept up his efficiency and was especially smart on third downs and against the blitz. Ponder went 21 for 35 for 198 yards and, most importantly, no turnovers.

The Vikings went 82 yards in 16 plays to start the game, with Ponder using a lot of quick throws. Peterson was stonewalled for 1 yard on second-and-goal at the 2 and no gain on third down. But with inches to go, Ponder rolled left under pressure by Goldson and threw a floater off his back foot that Rudolph ran down in front of Aldon Smith in the corner of the end zone for a 7-0 lead. Rudolph had four catches on that drive.

The Vikings, who played without outside linebacker Erin Henderson because of a concussion, lost another starter at the end of the first quarter when free safety Mistral Raymond tried to tackle Gore. His right ankle rolled during a wince-inducing injury that sent him off on a cart in a full-leg immobilizing brace. But the Vikings held firm and forced a short field goal by David Akers. Moss was wide open at the goal line on second down, but Smith's pass was high and Moss took an awkward attempt to stretch out for it.

Ponder went 4 for 4 for 39 yards passing and took off three times for 34 yards on the next possession, including the 23-yard sprint that made it 14-3 Minnesota. Accelerating off a cut inside the 10, perhaps reminding all the 49ers fans inside of their old favorite Steve Young, Ponder dived across the goal line for the final yard. He picked up the ball and began his celebration with an animated point at the cheering fans in the nearest seats.

Then, to finish off Minnesota's overall dominance of the first half, Letroy Guion blocked a 43-yard attempt by Akers, his first miss of the season. Ponder moved the Vikings close enough for rookie Blair Walsh to make a 52-yard field goal that stretched the lead to two touchdowns.

? 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Monday, September 24, 2012

Letters: Portland council rules on coal, education expectations, entitlement, wrong direction, OHSU, veterans and jobs, sustainable dialogue

Print publication: Monday, Sept. 24
Council rules on coal

Submit a letter

Post at My Oregon, the Oregonian's online community opinion hub. Regarding: "Stoked against coal, city leaders affirm opposition, call for study" (Sept. 20): Congratulations to the Portland City Council for opposing the export of coal. Any potential jobs gained would be more than offset by the jobs lost due to the damages to tourism and development caused by diesel fumes and coal dust blowing from super-long coal trains that would block traffic many times each day.

Coal exports would increase the world's supply of coal, thereby driving the price down, which would encourage consumption, and thereby slow the search for alternatives to coal. This is the opposite of what we want to happen.

The export of coal would benefit a few; everybody else should be against it.

Southwest Portland

So the Portland City Council, speaking for all of Oregon, decides to oppose coal trains and barges. The economy of Oregon is ailing. One of the reasons given was to not spoil Portland and Oregon's image as a green entity. What? Folks there is no such thing as "green energy." A solar panel will not lift a 737 off of a runway. A windmill will not sail a freighter to China. Ethanol potentially ruins your vehicle's mpg rating.

Get real and use the economic benefits of our country's vast reserves of natural gas, oil and coal.

Northwest Portland

An important aspect of coal use is that the pollutants, especially mercury, travel long distances. What this means is that a lot of the mercury in the Willamette River came from coal burned in China.

Do we really want to encourage China to burn more coal when the pollutants will come down in our abundant rainfall?

I believe we should develop alternative energy sources and sell them to China, rather than sell coal.


Education expectations

Oregon's education czar has ordered Oregon's school districts to up their academic goals for the year ("State tells schools: Aim higher," Sept. 21). Rudy Crew should have aimed his orders instead to our state administrators and legislators to come up with solutions to alleviate the situations that plague our schools: overcrowding, inadequate facilities and insufficient funding.

The way our schools are being managed is simply insufferable. In an NBC evening newscast the other night, it showed schools that were scheduling school lunches beginning at 9 a.m. because the cafeteria could only accommodate so many kids at a time. This may not be in Oregon, but the story could be the same.

Come on, Mr. Crew, help the teachers, not burden them some more. I am sure they are doing their very best.

Northeast Portland

Education and entitlement

In response to letter writer Robby Chavez's comment ("Living beyond their means," Sept. 20) regarding Elizabeth Hovde's column, "We can't know the problems others face or what works to solve those problems, nor should we decide how their money is to be spent":

Likewise, don't expect to spend my money on entitlements for individuals whose lifestyle choices put them in those low-paying jobs.

For instance, there is no excuse for not having a high school education in this country. It's almost guaranteed that without one, you will be poor.

What happened to personal responsibility?

Southeast Portland

In the wrong direction

Leaving the matter of our economy aside for a moment, our fragile foreign policy is coming apart at the seams. Our embassy was burned and our ambassador brutalized and killed. How that happened is yet another question, but it has hardly caused a ripple in President Obama's administration. We are snubbing our strongest allies, but welcome in Washington the leaders of those groups who hate us. It's time we demanded a strong response, coherent policy and leadership from the president. This is not the "hope and change" that we signed up for.

As Clint Eastwood noted, if someone can't do the job, you have to let him go.


You know, as a conservative woman, I never thought I'd say this, but I feel bad for President Obama.

Just think, if he's re-elected, what a mess he will inherit.


OHSU and heart disease

In the year and a half that my husband and I have lived in Portland (a city we have come to love), we have been struck by the amazing contributions to Oregon by Nike co-founder Phil Knight, including, most recently, the $125 million gift to OHSU. So we are going to support him and Nike the only way we can: We started yesterday with my first pair of Nike running shoes.

It seems like little enough for all he does, but it is our way of saying, "Thanks, Phil."

Southwest Portland

The value of cardiac research supported by the Knights' generous gift to OHSU can only be fully appreciated in step with gains in other medical fields. Complementary gains, to name a few, would include significant advances toward healthy lifestyles, improved antibiotics and fewer constraints on health care education and delivery.

Southwest Portland

Veterans and jobs

With one in four veterans out of work, it's shocking that the Senate Republicans blocked the veterans job bill. These same senators so willingly sent our kids to war, but then don't want to pay for the war, nor help our soldiers when they return home.

Let's remember this when they start beating the war drums to attack Iran.

Tigard ?

Sustainable dialogue

What do we keep hearing on a national and local level? Jobs, economy, growth. This dialogue is misplaced. Henry David Thoreau so wisely said, "What's the use of a house if you haven't got a tolerable planet to put it on?" We had better change our dialogue to stewardship and ecological responsibility.

Let us heed the warning signs: global warming, ocean acidification, species extinction, human overpopulation, pollution and overharvesting.



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Iran official urges boycott of 2013 Oscars

(AP) ? An Iranian official said Monday his country should boycott the 2013 Oscars and not field a candidate for the foreign film category in the wake of the anti-Islam video that was made in the United States and that denigrates the Prophet Muhammad.

Javad Shamaghdari, head of the government-controlled cinema agency, said Iran should "avoid" the Hollywood festival. He is quoted by the semi-official Mehr news agency as urging the committee in charge of selecting Iran's choice to take a step back.

The committee, which works under the cinema agency, already picked "Ye Habbeh Ghand," or "A Cube of Sugar" ? a film about a family wedding turning into a funeral when the groom's relative dies ? to run for best foreign film.

The government has still to endorse the selection for it to become official.

Shamaghdari said the Oscars should be boycotted until the organizers denounce the anti-Islam film entitled "Innocence of Muslims," which has prompted outrage among Muslims around the world. At least 51 people, including the U.S. ambassador to Libya, have been killed in violence linked to protests over the film, which also has renewed debate over freedom of expression in the U.S. and in Europe.

Shamaghdari has in the past been known for his calls to "deprive" Western film festivals of movies made by the Iranian cinema industry.

Iranian director Asghar Farhadi in February won the Oscar for best foreign film for his movie, "A Separation" ? the first such prize for Iran.

Tehran officialdom welcomed the Oscar, especially as Farhadi beat an Israeli film and three others in the foreign language category, describing it as a conquest for Iranian culture and a blow for Israel's perceived outsized influence in America.

But Iranian hard-liners were also upset by the movie's exposure of the troubles in Iranian society through the story of a collapsing marriage.

Iranian authorities have long had an uneasy relationship with the country's filmmakers and influential clerics have often denounced the domestic cinema as dominated by Western-tainted liberals and political dissenters.

Associated Press


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Sunday, September 23, 2012

Brother of Ravens WR Torrey Smith killed on cycle

(AP) ? The brother of Baltimore Ravens wide receiver Torrey Smith has been killed in a motorcycle accident.

Tevin Chris Jones, 19, died late Saturday night in Westmoreland County in northeast Virginia. He was riding his motorcycle on Route 672 when he ran off the right side of the roadway and struck a utility pole, according to Virginia State Police.

Jones was pronounced dead at the scene, police said. He was wearing a helmet, and alcohol was not a factor. The accident is under investigation.

Smith was notified at the team hotel in Baltimore shortly after 1 a.m. and immediately left to be with his family.

Smith posted on his Twitter account: "I can't believe my little brother is thankful for your loved ones and tell them you love them...this is the hardest thing ever."

Ravens coach John Harbaugh said in a statement: "This is devastatingly sad, sad news. Torrey and his family are a close, special family, and our hearts and thoughts reach out to all of them. Our hearts ache today. We pray for Tevin, his mother, Torrey and the rest of the family."

Smith is one of seven children of Monica Chante Jenkins.

It was unclear whether Smith would play Sunday night for the Ravens against the New England Patriots.

"Torrey's priority is his family. We understand that completely," Harbaugh said.

If Smith does not suit up, he will be replaced by Jacoby Jones.

Now in his second season with Baltimore, Smith grew up in Virginia before attending the University of Maryland.

Associated Press


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Invasion - First Contact

Invasion - First Contact

Disaster has struck earth. The world is at war; nobody knows the enemy or even if there is an enemy to fight. But the crisis is real. Now a small union of counties will pool together their best soldiers to fight back.


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This topic is an Out Of Character part of the roleplay, ?Invasion - First Contact?. Anything posted here will also show up there.

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Forum for completely Out of Character (OOC) discussion, based around whatever is happening In Character (IC). Discuss plans, storylines, and events; Recruit for your roleplaying game, or find a GM for your playergroup.
Hi all, Welcome to thise RP.

I have some things to say. You can see that there are not a lot of rules for this RP. This is in part because i am new to the GM business so i do not know a lot fo the pitfalls of the RPs. Also i like to analise each case as it comes intead of generalizing.

This will not be a sandbox RP in that you have a goal and an endgame. But i am open minded, so i will try to accomodate.

I hope you submit you character so that we can start this soon. Also feel free to ask any questions here.

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