Thursday, December 29, 2011

[GROUP] Nintendo/Kingdom Hearts crossover?

You know how Kingdom Hearts is essentially a game with original scenarios and plot elements but cameos from Final Fantasy and Disney characters? Well, why don't we take out the Disney portion of it, and put in Nintendo worlds and characters? You know, kind of like that April Fools joke about Mushroom Kingdom Hearts.

Basically, none of the KH-canons would be in this because I want this to be our own story. This would take place in the same timeline as the first to second Kingdom Hearts game but in a different part of the universe. It will have original characters as well as Nintendo and Final Fantasy characters. I will be limiting the amount of Keyblade wielders to around three or five.

The plot will be similar to the first Kingdom Hearts in the fact that there's a league of villains (in this case, the Nintendo villains) united under one villain (who will be an OC and the main antagonist) who control the Heartless and are looking for something important (haven't decided what that something is yet).

Who's interested in this so far?


southern university regenesis fanboys ucla usc ucla usc sean taylor usc football

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