Thursday, November 1, 2012

Gail Zappa: Regarding Frank Zappa

Hi there. This is gonna be about exercising your right to vote. And it is going to be about Frank Zappa -- maybe some stuff you didn't know about either subject but might, given the fast approaching Day of Destiny for our next four years, be of interest to you.

Here is just one thing I loved about Frank Zappa: He chose freedom. In doing that, in every moment, he was free. He was present. And that one thing that I loved about him was in everything and so it became everything. It was everywhere around him. Every disadvantage became a challenge and a different opportunity. Saying yes to freedom means saying no to anything else -- anything that is other. Anything that is a disguise. Anything that is a lie. From him I learned how to own and operate the word "no." Such a tiny word and the only word in our alphabet. It is the one we need to learn. It is the one that will set you free. When you understand the power in this word you will fly. It is the line beyond which you will not go. It is the choice you will not make. It is the permission you will not give. It is the space you will not yield. It is the deal you will not accept. It is your word, your honor, your name, your invitation to the world to be vigilant. To protect. To preserve. To pay attention. To be present.

Frank said that democracy was our greatest export. He said, "Democracy doesn't work unless you participate." Remember, voting "yes" is also your chance to say "no." Choosing who represents the people is also choosing who may not. Your vote can be the choice that puts people out of office. Choose people who will represent a free people. Choose freedom.

In order to vote you have to register. In order to exercise your choice you need to vote. In order to participate in democracy, you have to VOTE. FZ included Register to Vote on every album since the 18 year-old vote was passed in 1971. (See for yourself at iTunes or wherever fine Zappa Records are available.) He released more than 65 albums in his lifetime. He was the first to register voters with the help of the League of Women Voters in the concert halls he played in. He showed up for you. There are more than 20,000,000 women out there right now who could change the current rhetoric against women's rights, who could change the national dialog to benefit children for real just by getting registered now. Take your girlfriend, your wife, your partner, your mom, your sister, your neighbor, your babysitter, your daughter, your aunt, your grandmother, your niece, your sister-in-law and her mother to the post office to register to vote. And while you're at it, don't forget to VOTE.

Ask not what your president has done for you lately -- ask what you have done for yourself, your neighbors, your friends, your countrymen, your countrywomen, your country-children, your environment, your planet.

VOTE like your life and your planet is at stake.


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Mayor says NYC Marathon to go on in wake of Sandy

NEW YORK (AP) ? The New York City Marathon is a go for Sunday, and while logistical questions persist one thing is certain: The 26-mile route will have a disaster for a backdrop.

And a debate.

"I think some people said you shouldn't run the marathon," Mayor Michael Bloomberg said at a news briefing Wednesday. "There's an awful lot of small businesses that depend on these people. We have to have an economy. There's lots of people that have come here. It's a great event for New York, and I think for those who were lost, you've got to believe they would want us to have an economy and have a city go on for those that they left behind."

Race organizers were still trying to assess how widespread damage from Superstorm Sandy might affect plans, including getting runners into the city and transporting them to the start line on Staten Island. Easing their worries a bit was news that 14 of the city's 23 subway lines were expected to be operating by Thursday morning - though none below 34th Street, an area that includes the terminal for the ferries that go to the island.

And there were runners like Josh Maio who felt torn about whether the race should go on.

"It pulls resources and focus away from people in need," said Maio, who dropped out due to an injury but is coaching about 75 runners.

He agrees the race is a boost to local businesses hurt by the storm ? it brings an estimated $340 million to the city. But he is uncomfortable with devoting so much to an "extracurricular" event.

Top American Meb Keflezighi, the 2009 men's champion, regards the marathon as "something positive ... because it will be motivation to say, 'Look what happened, and we'll put on the race, and we'll give them a good show.'"

New York Road Runners President Mary Wittenberg said organizers planned to use more private contractors than past years to reduce the strain on city services. Many people have offered to work as volunteers and could fill in gaps, and many runners and fans plan to raise money to help victims of the storm.

She compared this year's race to the 2001 marathon, held seven weeks after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, as a way to inspire residents and show the world the city's resilience.

Jonathan Cane ran in that race, working for the police department at the time as a fitness instructor, and it was "an amazing experience." But like Maio, he had mixed feelings about holding this year's marathon.

"I think if they do pull it off, the city will get behind it," said Cane, who is coaching more than 200 runners signed up for the race. "It's already a unique event, and this will make it more so."

Wittenberg expects the field will be smaller than the 47,500 who ran last year because some entrants can't make it to New York, but said so far organizers had received no more cancellations than normal. New York's three major airports were expected to be open Thursday morning with limited flights, leaving the nearly 30,000 out-of-town runners with hope that they can fly in but no guarantees.

Race organizers were rescheduling the elite runners' flights to get them into New York on schedule, with many rerouted to Boston. Number pickup for entrants is scheduled to open Thursday morning at the Javits Center.

Meanwhile, traffic choked city streets as residents tried to return to work and limited commuter rail service resumed. Utilities say it could be days before power is fully restored in the city and on Long Island.

The course mostly avoids areas hit hardest by flooding. Getting everyone to the start on Staten Island could be the biggest challenge if two usual methods ? the ferry and Brooklyn-Battery Tunnel ? are still closed. Organizers are working on contingency plans.

Runners always had to rise in the wee hours of the morning to make it to the start in time, and now they may need to get going even earlier.

Once under way, runners will cross the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge into Brooklyn. The route then winds through the borough and over the Pulaski Bridge into Queens. The Queensboro Bridge will bring the runners into Manhattan's East Side. After a brief swing through the Bronx, they finish in Central Park, which was closed Wednesday. Some 250 mature trees inside the park were felled by the storm.

The 43rd edition of the marathon is set to include three Olympic medalists and the reigning women's world champion.

Kenya's Wilson Kipsang won bronze in the Olympic men's marathon. His challengers include 2011 Chicago Marathon champ Moses Mosop of Kenya and 2010 New York winner Gebre Gebremariam of Ethiopia.

Ethiopia's Tiki Gelana won gold and Russia's Tatyana Arkhipova was third in the women's race in London. Edna Kiplagat of Kenya won a world title a year earlier.

"Already what we're hearing from people is we went through the 9/11 marathon, and there was never a more moving marathon, and what that marathon did was it unified this city and brought people back to the streets for the first time in weeks," Wittenberg said. "What was most striking about that marathon to me was it was not about running and it wasn't about the runners. It was about the city. And on that day, instead of the fans being there for the runners, the runners were there for the city. And this marathon already has that same feeling."


Jennifer Peltz contributed to this report


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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Actor Edward Furlong arrested at LA airport


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School Integration | WVM 2011

The school adjustment is an issue that worries parents and educators systematically. Cultural With the changes in recent years, especially with the entry of women in the dynamics of society, children live with someone in advance that ploughs not necessarily the family. Creighton Wright usually is spot on. Therefore, it is of significant importance you study the subject you understand the establishment of meaningful relationships with to other subjects of various primary social network. The aim of this study is you understand the behavioral patterns of attachment/detachment of the child and to their primary caregivers in the process adaptation you kindergarten, analyzing and understanding these behaviors in children in the process of adjustment you kindergarten and see what you intervene with the adjustment of young children in infant schools.

Theoretical This research cam from the literature survey, published articles, theses and dissertations of the last five years, within the areas of humanities and education, with specific focus in psychology related you the topic School Integration in Early Childhood. The search will be materials was done through the Scielo databases, Google Scholar and Capes Vestibule. Perhaps check out Frank Storch for more information. The dates analysis was performed individually, through close reading of articles, books and abstracts, guided by the Core issues in the matters related you the development of attachment between the child and primary caregivers, the process of separation-individuation of the child and the entrance school and to their adjustment in kindergarten. With this study, we hope you contribute you maternal better understanding of the relationship between separation anxiety and school adjustment of children in kindergarten, and the importance of psychology in the school environment, inferring on coping strategies in this process both with with educators and families involved. Keys Word: primary attachment, separation anxiety, child adjustment, child education. Currently, each time more early the children leave its home in reason of the dynamic life that its family if finds.

Tags: psychology


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Justice Dept.: OK with new review of health law

(AP) ? The Obama administration told the Supreme Court on Wednesday that it does not object to reopening a Christian college's challenge to President Barack Obama's healthcare overhaul.

In court papers, the Justice Department said it does not oppose allowing a federal appeals court in Richmond, Va., to consider the claim by Liberty University in Lynchburg, Va., that Obama's health care law violates the school's religious freedoms.

A federal district judge rejected Liberty's claims, and the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the lawsuit was premature and never dealt with the substance of the school's arguments. The Supreme Court upheld the health care law in June in a ruling that also said the appeals court was wrong not to decide the issues.

The justices used lawsuits filed by 26 states and the National Federation of Independent Business to uphold the health care law by a 5-4 vote, then rejected all other pending appeals, including Liberty's.

The school made a new filing with the court over the summer to argue that its claims should be fully evaluated in light of the high court decision. If the justices agree, they probably would formally throw out the 4th Circuit's ruling and order it to take a new look at Liberty's case. Liberty is challenging both the requirement that most individuals obtain health insurance or pay a penalty, and a separate provision requiring many employers to offer health insurance to their workers.

The appeals court would have the option of asking the government and the college for new legal briefs to assess the effect of the Supreme Court ruling on Liberty's claims before rendering a decision.

Associated Press


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Hospitals battled to protect patients as Sandy raged

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Paramedics evacuate patients from New York University Tisch Hospital due to a power outage as Hurricane Sandy makes its approach in New York October 29, 2012. 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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Android 4.2 gallery and camera ported to Galaxy Nexus

Android 4.2 camera  Android 4.2 camera

That awesome camera app, as well as the new Gallery we saw from the upcoming Android 4.2 release  can now be installed on your Galaxy Nexus running Android 4.1.1.

There's still a bug in the photosphere portion, but dmmarck, the fellow working in it, says he has some ideas and will continue to look at things for a fix.

Be sure to visit the forum thread for the full instructions, as this one needs a bit of hackery to install. 

Source: Android Central forums


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Facebook used to kidnap, traffic Indonesian girls

20 hrs.

When a 14-year-old girl received a Facebook friend request from an older man she didn't know, she accepted it out of curiosity. It's a click she will forever regret, leading to a brutal story that has repeated itself as sexual predators find new ways to exploit Indonesia's growing obsession with social media.

The junior high student was quickly smitten by the man's smooth online flattery. They exchanged phone numbers, and his attention increased with rapid-fire texts. He convinced her to meet in a mall, and she found him just as charming in person.

They agreed to meet again. After telling her mom she was going to visit a sick girlfriend on her way to church choir practice, she climbed into the man's minivan near her home in Depok, on the outskirts of Jakarta.

The man, a 24-year-old who called himself Yogi, drove her an hour to the town of Bogor, West Java, she told The Associated Press in an interview.

There, he locked her in a small room inside a house with at least five other girls aged 14 to 17. She was drugged and raped repeatedly ? losing her virginity in the first attack.

After one week of torture, her captor told her she was being sold and shipped to the faraway island of Batam, known for its seedy brothels and child sex tourism that caters to men coming by boat from nearby Singapore.

She sobbed hysterically and begged to go home. She was beaten and told to shut up or die.

So far this year, 27 of the 129 children reported missing to Indonesia's National Commission for Child Protection are believed to have been abducted after meeting their captors on Facebook, said the group's chairman, Arist Merdeka Sirait. One of the 27 has been found dead.

In the month since the Depok girl was found near a bus terminal Sept. 30, there have been at least seven reports of young girls in Indonesia being abducted by people they met on Facebook. Although no solid data exists, police and aid groups that work on trafficking issues say it seems to be a particularly big problem in the Southeast Asian archipelago.

"Maybe Indonesia is kind of a unique country so far. Once the reports start coming in, you will know that maybe it's not one of the countries, maybe it's one of a hundred countries," said Anjan Bose, a program officer who works on child online protection issues at ECPAT International, a nonprofit global network that helps children in 70 countries. "The Internet is such a global medium. It doesn't differentiate between poor and rich. It doesn't differentiate between the economy of the country or the culture."

Websites that track social media say Indonesia has nearly 50 million people signed up for Facebook, making it one of the world's top users after the U.S. The capital, Jakarta, was recently named the most active Twitter city by Paris-based social media monitoring company Semiocast. In addition, networking groups such as BlackBerry and Yahoo Messenger are wildly popular on mobile phones.

Many young Indonesians, and their parents, are unaware of the dangers of allowing strangers to see their personal information online. Teenagers frequently post photos and personal details such as their home address, phone number, school and hangouts without using any privacy settings ? allowing anyone trolling the net to find them and learn everything about them.

"We are racing against time, and the technology frenzy over Facebook is a trend among teenagers here," Sirait said. "Police should move faster, or many more girls will become victims."

The 27 Facebook-related abductions reported to the commission this year in Indonesia have already exceed 18 similar cases it received in all of 2011. Overall, the National Task Force Against Human Trafficking said 435 children were trafficked last year, mostly for sexual exploitation.

Many who fight child sex crimes in Indonesia believe the real numbers are much higher. Missing children are often not reported to authorities. Stigma and shame surround sexual abuse in the world's largest Muslim-majority country, and there's a widespread belief that police will do nothing to help.

An ECPAT International report estimates that each year, 40,000 to 70,000 children are involved in trafficking, pornography or prostitution in Indonesia, a nation of 240 million where many families remain impoverished.

The U.S. State Department has also warned that more Indonesian girls are being recruited using social media networks. In a report last year, it said traffickers have "resorted to outright kidnapping of girls and young women for sex trafficking within the country and abroad."

Online child sexual abuse and exploitation are common in much of Asia. In the Philippines, kids are being forced to strip or perform sex acts on live webcams ? often by their parents, who are using them as a source of income. Western men typically pay to use the sites.

"In the Philippines, this is the tip of the iceberg. It's not only Facebook and social media, but it's also through text messages ... especially young, vulnerable people are being targeted," said Leonarda Kling, regional representative for Terre des Hommes Netherlands, a nonprofit working on trafficking issues. "It's all about promises. Better jobs or maybe even a nice telephone or whatever. Young people now, you see all the glamour and glitter around you and they want to have the latest BlackBerry, the latest fashion, and it's also a way to get these things."

Facebook says its investigators regularly review content on the site and work with authorities, including Interpol, to combat illegal activity. It also has employees around the world tasked with cracking down on people who attempt to use the site for human trafficking.

"We take human trafficking very seriously and, while this behavior is not common on Facebook, a number of measures are in place to counter this activity," spokesman Andrew Noyes said in an email.

He declined to give any details on Facebook's involvement in trafficking cases reported in Indonesia or elsewhere.

The Depok girl, wearing a mask to hide her face as she was interviewed, said she is still shocked that the man she knew for nearly a month turned on her.

"He wanted to buy new clothes for me, and help with school payments. He was different ... that's all," she said. "I have a lot of contacts through Facebook, and I've also exchanged phone numbers. But everything has always gone fine. We were just friends."

She said that after being kidnapped, she was given sleeping pills and was "mostly unconscious" for her ordeal. She said she could not escape because a man and another girl stood guard over her.

The girl said the man did not have the money for a plane ticket to Batam, and also became aware that her parents and others were relentlessly searching for her. He ended up dumping her at a bus station, where she found help.

"I am angry and cannot accept what he did to me. ... I was raped and beaten!" said the lanky girl with shoulder-length black hair. The AP generally does not publish the names of sexual abuse victims.

The girl's case made headlines this month when she was expelled after she tried to return to school. Officials at the school reportedly claimed she had tarnished its image. She has since been reinstated, but she no longer wishes to attend due to the stigma she faces.

Education Minister Mohammad Nuh also came under fire after making remarks that not all girls who report such crimes are victims: "They do it for fun, and then the girl alleges that it's rape," he said. His response to the criticism was that it's difficult to prove whether sexual assault allegations are "real rapes."

The publicity surrounding the story encouraged the parents of five other missing girls to come forward this month, saying their daughters also were victimized by people they met on Facebook. Two more girls were freed from their captors in October and are now seeking counseling.

A man who posed as a photographer on Facebook was recently arrested and accused of kidnapping and raping three teenage girls. Authorities say he lured them into meeting him with him by promising to make them models, and then locked them in a house. Police found dozens of photos of naked girls on his camera and laptop.

Another case involved a 15-year-old girl from Bogor. She was recently rescued by police after being kidnapped by someone she met on Facebook and held at a restaurant, waiting for someone to move her to another town where she would be forced into prostitution.

In some incidents, the victims themselves ended up recruiting other young girls after being promised money or luxuries such as mobile phones or new clothes.

Police are trying to get a step ahead of the criminals. Detective Lt. Ruth Yeni Qomariah from the Children and Women's Protection unit in Surabaya said she posed as a teenager online and busted three men who used Facebook to kidnap and rape underage girls. She's searching for a fourth suspect.

"It has been getting worse as trafficking rings become more sophisticated and underage children are more easily targeted," she said.

The man who abducted the Depok girl has not been found, and it's unclear what happened to the five other girls held at the house where she was raped.

"I saw they were offered by my kidnapper to many guys," she said. "I don't know what happened. I don't want to remember it."

Associated Press writer Niniek Karmini contributed to this report from Jakarta, Indonesia.

Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Yahoo's growth development process - Business - Em Quest?o ...

Beijing time September 8, according to foreign media reports news, "New York times" website article published today, points out the Internet industry is a leading once in the yahoo now is already in troubled situation. The following is for the New York times "website from the article: From the glorious to opportunities Yahoo in as the gateway website had a brilliant time, while yahoo once is the most visited site users. But, just as other companies have Internet industry into social networking and mobile equipment etc, yahoo failed to catch, finally only to today's difficulties situation. Yahoo's so pain finally revealed on Tuesday to come, in yahoo's board announced on Tuesday, suddenly fired chief executive officer of the company, carol buzz. Buzz has been key to promote yahoo online media and original news business, but ignored the development of new social networking tools, video services and mobile machine application to the attention of the business, and that is more like the service users use, and the result is, yahoo's defeat is not only the important problems in management, and more vivid description of yahoo issued in professional content sites from mobile phones and mobile network leading to the new digital world transformation process is also very failure. In such a new field, the user is the original content. Yahoo's problems and another was in the Internet industry has a popular forerunner of similar, that is America online (AOL). The two companies have agile use of the user change to the way the great opportunity-reading from the traditional to the network news newspaper important transition opportunities, but in the Internet users and advertisers to mobile phones and social network in transition, but have not effectively capture these opportunities. The two companies have to become a media company. At the same time, a new generation of companies, such as Google and Facebook, etc are able to take advantage of these opportunitie s, meet the user's information and entertainment request, they are no longer provide content, but create mobile and social networking services to attract users and those big advertisers. Yahoo display advertising advantage lack innovation loss According to the market Research institutions of digital marketing company Forrester analyst who Bosch, division (north Shar VanBoskirk cork () said: "yahoo has been hanging in a few years ago in the become giants among those areas. Yahoo think users will still to visit their site, but, today's users want to get the experience is more collaborative, so users can switch to mobile devices and common creation content." Division (north also said, as people use the Internet is changing the way, yahoo and aol "rolled around, not after all market and other companies the pace of development of". According to comScore, the company said yahoo's web site, such as yahoo home page, email service and financial and entertainment website, still keep a large number of users, the web site of the biggest single user traffic is still as high as 177.6 million, the Numbers just behind Google, but higher than Facebook. But, with the flow of yahoo, Google and Facebook is missing the popularity of the growing, and the user is spent on yahoo on time only about half the on on Facebook. Advertising users often tend to make them much more profitable to the object, such as intelligence, video web site users of mobile phones and social networking users, and those who can produce the company to its appeal. Yahoo in once in advertisement market is in extremely important leading position, it was important that the product is the advertising, this kind of advertising can display image and video, but Facebook and Google are thus, and gradually catch up with yahoo, its very important reason is because Facebook and Google can for advertisers provide more information about users and related personal information. According to research firm eMar keter digital marketing data shows that yahoo display advertising business market share has been three consecutive years of decline. Last year, yahoo display advertising market share has dropped to 14.4%, Facebook and Google is the same kind of market share to 12.2% and 8.6%, respectively. At the same time, eMarketer also is expected to this year, Facebook will with 17.7% share of more than 13.6% of yahoo. And next year, Google will to with a share of 12.3% and 12.5% of yahoo and Facebook, and difficult points of share will increase to 19.4%. Yahoo concept outdated flaw EMarketer company chief analyst David Hubble ord (David Hallerman) said: "yahoo still holds great flow, but, more and more advertisements customers is eyeing several goals." At present, the ads customer has been drawn to the Facebook users friends circle and Google users search, etc. Hubble, will also yahoo and user and the 1960 s some large circulation of the publication is compared, for example "the Life an d observation (kind of)-act. Comparison, when advertising clients from general magazine to those specific to celebrity news or golf magazine, the traditional publication will lose their vitality. To this, the Hubble mann said: "gateway website want to let all be satisfied the demand of the idea has been out of date." Some advertising executive also criticized yahoo, yahoo advertising the existence of the technology said defects. Almost every few months, advertising agencies must be taught how to use their new high tube yahoo account. The French Yang lion group's digital advertising agency Razorfish company in the western region of the President of business cristian ZuEr (Christian Juhl) said: "see yahoo will know, page flaws too much." In 2007, Google bought display advertising company DoubleClick, to compete with yahoo. Two years later, Google developed DoubleClick advertising Exchange (Ad Exchange), the advertising Exchange make both parties in advertising a trade more eff ective. Google an enduring image huge acquisitions or created market positioning tool, thus to service and optimize the network shows ads. In addition, Google also has the video site YouTube investment, in order to trying to attract users to switch to display advertising TV advertising service. Of the industry leading Media organization China and Asia (Horizon Media) with dispatch in Los Angeles office, vice President of digital business executive manager Julie unity, Berger (Julie borg said: "you can see Facebook and Google this company is eating into market share. Consumer habits of change, and yahoo has been and can effectively realize it." Yahoo has__4__ But, even if the Internet users began to change the way web surfing, began to use different ways, such as web surfing in different web sites and equipment reading news and content, such as yahoo and aol, the progress was very lags behind, as they are still in in the 1990 s, the golden age of creating some content that. T im Armstrong (Tim Armstrong) since 2009, has been a America online chief executive, he has an enduring image a huge sum of money, such as investment news and original news business. His biggest investment is earlier this year with the price of 315 million dollar acquisition "Hector fenton reaction of the post, o liana Arianna Huffington, Hector fenton reaction () started news and polymerization website. He also acquired technology blog TechCrunch, and through the cooperation with Patch way, began to develop the field of regional news, Patch in 800 DuoGe town have set up a reporter, let them write the town hall meetings, community crime and civil activities related to the news. But, with yahoo similar is, Armstrong need to handle the feelings of resentment shareholders questions, and claims a spin-off company or sold. America online has an investment bank and related lawyer, specializing in mergers and acquisitions, etc. America online Internet access continues to decline, th e number of users in its efforts to increase the overall advertising business measures not not work. A recent quarter, America online global advertising revenues increased by only 5%, and this is its in 2009 with time warner for the first time after the separation revenue growth, but it still losing money situation. Buzz in a yahoo chief executive has taken a similar measures, such as hiring dozens of journalists and bloggers, the network company merger eliminate, the company let by amateur journalists to report the news of a variety of subjects. Yahoo released in 2005 and the first social networks-yahoo, but the product development 360 has been disappointing. On Thursday the internal meeting held on yahoo, yahoo management and staff, common to the conference, yahoo management hope to employees to ensure, yahoo still will be able to create a better future. Yahoo co-founder jerry Yang says, fire chief executive position of the buzz, but decided to an unusually difficult yahoo should be more rapid growth. Jerry Yang said: "we're currently in yahoo in the history of the critical moment." That division (north, Bosch cork said: "advertising clients want to see a innovators, such partnerships can help advertisers understand and get the win consumers channel., yahoo's problem is that it's like an old players, never to think about the future development trend." (

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Monday, October 29, 2012

Heifer International Launches Large-scale Assault ... - Talk Business

?Heifer?s mission is to end hunger and poverty, and to care for the earth. There?s no part of our mission that says anything about livestock,? said Elizabeth Bintliff, Heifer?s vice president of African Programs.

Of course, livestock is what most people automatically associate with Heifer International, the Little Rock-based non-profit that has made a name for itself helping people in countries around the world.

To be fair, livestock is a large part of what Heifer does. It gives farm animals to needy families around the world, but it also trains them to get the most out of what they have. It?s that focus on maximizing potential that has led to a rather simple and ingenious project centered around biogas.

?Biogas is a technology that is produced from the waste, the feces, of animals,? Bintliff said.

The waste is then digested, or broken down, by bacteria in a special compartment. The resulting by-product is pure methane gas, which burns cleaner than wood or charcoal, and can be controlled using a stove or a lamp. On a small scale, this has the potential to answer many problems families in most African countries experience.

?Biogas, the way it?s utilized, really reduces the risk of smoke exposure and in-house pollutants,? Bintliff said. ?Women do a lot of cooking in open fires, and they?re usually toiling all day, and children are running around.?

With biogas, she said, children no longer risk falling into a fire, and women breathe cleaner air as they work.

There are other benefits. Most homes in poorer African countries, like Uganda, don?t have electricity. Children are largely responsible for bringing home firewood so families can prepare dinner and have a source of light at night. In homes outfitted with a biogas unit, the focus has dramatically changed.

?It helps with education, because you have lighting in the house, so children can read at night, which is tremendous,? Bintliff said. ?From a gender perspective, it cuts back on the time women need to cook, so they?re able to cook in the house in the evening, and that means men are more likely to help.?

Bintliff also noted that the process that produces the methane biogas also produces slurry, which is a rich fertilizer for crops.

Another benefit of the Uganda biogas project has far-reaching, long-term implications. Because of the vast dependence on wood and charcoal in Uganda, deforestation has become a pressing problem. Uganda?s Environment Management Authority said the country?s forestlands were cut by 30 percent between 1990 and 2005. According to the Authority, at this rate, Uganda would lose all its forests by 2050. Most of the deforestation is attributed to farmland and rapid population growth.

That is a key reason why Heifer is developing such a large biogas project in Uganda. ?It is supposed to install 12,000 units in the next couple of years. It?s huge,? Bintliff said. ?We have done it on a small scale in many countries. We?ve received grant funding from several different agencies to do usually 12, 20 and 50 biogas units. But this is the first time we?ve done it on this scale.?

To receive a biogas unit, families apply through agencies that work with Heifer. If approved, the family shares in the cost of the materials needed to build the unit on their property. That can be hard to ask of a family that is already struggling. Families must also help with building the unit.

?It?s quite an investment for them,? Bintliff said. ?Obviously the reason we?ve had 12,000 families make that kind of investment is because they know what the return is. They may not always be able to do the arithmetic, but they know long term this is something that is best for their family.?

There is one aspect of the biogas project that can?t be expressed with numbers. The quality of life for families who participate in the project has dramatically increased, according to Bintliff.

?It?s really tremendous to hear them talk about what this means to them, to hear a woman talk about being able to, in the evening, go and sit at home with her family. Those are the types of metrics we can?t capture; it?s the quality things,? Bintliff said. ?To be able to sit at home with her family instead of being outside in an out-kitchen toiling over a stove trying to cook for them ? knowing that her children are safe sitting under a lamp reading at night instead of by candle, where they may fall asleep and something catches on fire. The quality of life benefits of biogas is something we can?t always capture in data terms, but when you hear people talk about it, it?s just really a huge impact.?

Heifer is working on similar projects in Cameroon and Senegal and has begun negotiations with Zambia for a biogas project there. It also hopes to start programs in other African countries. It is part of an all-encompassing approach to ending hunger and poverty, and Bintliff hopes people begin to understand that her work is about much more than livestock.

?Heifer?s work really is beyond just the animal and beyond feeding people. It?s really about looking at the totality of their lives and what they need and meeting those needs as an organization.?

Editor?s note:? Talk Business contributor Steve Shuler is the author of this report.


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Active Design In Offices Gets Workers To MoveYour Health Journal ...

From USA Today?..

?Active design? is the new weapon in the fight against the national obesity crisis. Stairs, open spaces, locating office equipment away from desks are design tools used to get people moving.

The push to reverse the obesity epidemic and promote physical fitness is spilling into design and architecture and beginning to target one of the nation?s most sedentary environments: the office.

?Active design? ? the architectural principle of creating spaces that encourage healthy lifestyles ? is gaining popularity as more cities and companies join the fight and embrace healthy initiatives and ?green? measures.

New York ? the city that banned trans fats in restaurants and the sales of large sugary drinks in cups ? adopted Active Design Guidelines in 2006. That has sparked interest among architects and planners, even on the eve of a deep financial slump. With the help of a grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the city is mentoring 14 other cities, including Philadelphia, Tucson, Nashville and Seattle, to improve the built environment to reduce obesity.

?How do you get people moving??, says Rick Bell, executive director of the New York chapter of the American Institute of Architects. ?If exercise and everyday activity is the mantra, how do you, through design, get people to exercise? ? There is a direct relation between the built environment and people?s lifestyles.?

History has proved it. Architecture played a major role in defeating infectious diseases such as cholera and tuberculosis in the 19th and 20th centuries by designing better buildings, streets, clean-water systems and parks.

Today, obesity is the threat. More than a third of American adults, teens and children are obese, or roughly 30 pounds over a healthy weight.

To read the full story?..Click here


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Huge Hurricane Sandy bears down on East Coast

HATTERAS ISLAND, North Carolina (Reuters) - Hurricane Sandy could be the biggest storm to hit the United States mainland when it comes ashore on Monday night, bringing strong winds and dangerous flooding to the East Coast from the mid-Atlantic states to New England, forecasters said on Sunday.

Sandy could have a brutal impact on major cities in the target zone like Boston, New York, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, one of the most densely populated regions of the country.

New York City's subway, bus and train service will be suspended on Sunday evening, which could bring the country's financial nerve center to a standstill.

The major Wall Street exchanges said they planned to open as usual on Monday because they have alternate facilities they can use.

The Obama administration estimated it could affect 50 million people, and the storm was already disrupting transportation systems.

More than 700 flights, including international ones, were canceled on Sunday and nearly 2,500 more were canceled for Monday, said.

Forecasters said Sandy was a rare, hybrid "super storm" created by an Arctic jet stream wrapping itself around a tropical storm, possibly causing up to 12 inches of rain in some areas, as well as heavy snowfall inland.

"The size of this alone, affecting a heavily populated area, is going to be history making," said Jeff Masters, a hurricane specialist who writes a blog posted on the Weather Underground (

New Jersey casinos were ordered to close. New Jersey officials were weighing whether to shut down that state's bus and rail systems, and emergency officials warned of widespread power outages that could last for days.

"We're just asking people to be patient and be ready for a long haul. But we have a very aggressive power restoration program in place and I think we're ready," Virginia Governor Robert McDonnell told the CNN program "State of the Union."

On its current projected track, Sandy is most likely to make landfall between in the New York/New Jersey area and head inland to Philadelphia and Pennsylvania, forecasters said.


Forecasters at the National Hurricane Center in Miami said the storm's impact would be felt far from the center.

While Sandy's 75 mph winds were not overwhelming for a hurricane, its width made it exceptional. Hurricane-force winds extended 175 miles from its center while its lesser tropical storm-force winds spanned 1,040 miles in diameter. It was not expected to strengthen but was expected to broaden.

At high tide, the storm could bring a surge of seawater up to 11 feet above normal levels to Long Island Sound and New York Harbor.

"Given the large wind field associated with Sandy, elevated water levels could span multiple tide cycles, resulting in repeated and extended periods of coastal and bayside flooding," the forecasters said.

Sandy was centered about 260 miles southeast of Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, early on Sunday, the hurricane center said. The storm pushed seawater up over the barrier islands off North Carolina known as the Outer Banks.

"It's flooded all over the village," longtime Ocracoke Island resident Kathleen O'Neal told Reuters via telephone. "I would say between a foot and two feet of water."

Sandy was moving over the Atlantic parallel to the U.S. coast at 10 mph, but was forecast to make a tight westward turn toward the U.S. coast on Sunday night.

Tropical storm conditions were spreading across the coast of North Carolina on Sunday morning and gale-force winds are forecast to begin affecting Washington, New York and southern New England by Monday.


Sandy could be the largest storm to hit the United States, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) website.

Sandy killed at least 66 people as it made its way through the Caribbean islands, including 51 in Haiti, mostly from flash flooding and mudslides, according to authorities.

The approaching storm forced a change of plans for both presidential candidates ahead of the November 6 election. The White House said President Barack Obama canceled a campaign appearance in Virginia on Monday and another stop in Colorado on Tuesday, and will instead monitor the storm from Washington.

Republican challenger Mitt Romney rescheduled campaign events planned for Virginia on Sunday and was flying to Ohio instead.

All along the U.S. coast, worried residents packed stores, buying generators, candles, food and other supplies in anticipation of power outages. Some local governments announced schools would be closed on Monday and Tuesday.

"They're freaking out," said Joe Dautel, a clerk at a hardware store in Glenside, Pennsylvania. "I'm selling people four, five, six packs of batteries - when I had them."

(Additional reporting by Dave Warner in Philadelphia, Ellen Wulfhorst in New York, Mary Ellen Clark and Ebong Udoma in Connecticut and Will Dunham in Washington; Writing by Jane Sutton and David Adams; Editing by Sandra Maler)


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Corporate Finance Jobs Hierarchy: Roles, Lifestyle, and Pay ...

The Corporate Finance Jobs HierarchyYou?re sitting in front of your computer reading your 102nd rejection email:

?Thanks for your interest, but we have already hired for this position.?

You start to feel desperate, when out of the blue a friend calls. ?I have a job for you, it?s a Corporate Finance Analyst position at a Fortune 500 company, what do you say??

You answer without even thinking: ?Are you joking? You know that it?s banking or bust for me!?

If that?s you, you need to rethink what you just said.

No, Corporate Finance is NOT as ?prestigious? as investment banking, and it doesn?t give you as many exit opportunities.

It?s a different world altogether.

But it?s also a world where you can still make hundreds of thousands of dollars, and even into the millions if you?re at the right company in the right role.

Here?s what you?re going to learn in this comprehensive breakdown of the Corporate Finance world:

  • How the finance department is organized at a Fortune 500 company
  • What you do on a daily basis in the Financial Planning division
  • Why accounting is not (always) just a 9-to-5 job that bores you to death
  • Why Treasury roles are crucial and why they can mean life or death for a company
  • How you can become a CFO and make it to the top of the ladder

CFO: The King of the Castle

Let?s start at the top. In every finance department the ?King? is the Chief Financial Officer (CFO). You could argue that the CFO is ordered around by the CEO, but at the end of the day if you work in a finance department you are doing whatever your CFO asks of you, period.

We?ll focus on the CFO and the team directly under him first.

Every Corporate Finance department is different, so the exact team depends on the organization, the size of the division, the industry, and plenty of other parameters.

But despite all that, most corporate finance departments at large companies are similar. Here?s who reports directly to the CFO:

  • The FP&A Manager: Heads the management accounting department
  • The Controller: Heads the financial accounting department
  • The Treasurer: Heads? the treasury department!

FP&A: Got Strategy?

FP&A stands for ?Financial Planning and Analysis,? and some companies also refer to it as Management Accounting.

This department is in charge of the company?s Profit & Loss Statement (P&L), and forecasts the all-mighty ?bottom line?: Net Income, which is literally the bottom line of any company?s or division?s P&L.

If you work in FP&A, your job is to give the CFO a good idea of what will happen to the different line items of the P&L during the quarter, year, and next five years. For example:

  • Based on your projections, will Net Sales grow more quickly or more slowly than expected?
  • Is the increase in Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) or Sales & Marketing expenses out of line with the increase in revenue over a certain time period?
  • Will there be certain ?one-time? expenses that you anticipate and that will throw off the bottom line in a certain period?

You also give every operational department, including Sales or Production, a target to reach in terms of revenue and expenses. Then you collect information along the way to see how far away the departments are from their targets.

Working in FP&A involves a lot of data consolidation and variance analysis to see what went wrong or right in the previous quarter.

You also produce ad hoc reports on key metrics such as sales volume compared to the plan, or the employee compensation expense compared to projections. This is one of the most strategic departments because you define where the company is going to be in five years.


3 or 4 analysts are led by a senior analyst, who is in charge of a specific product. The senior analyst then reports to the FP&A manager on their respective product.

The FP&A Manager is at the top of the pyramid and reports directly to the CFO.


During normal weeks, expect to work approximately 60 hours per week with weekends off. Quarter/year end closes and planning sessions are your busiest weeks, and hours can jump up to the investment banking range ? sometimes close to 100 hours of work per week.


Compensation varies widely depending on the size of the company and the size of the P&L. Here?s what you might expect at each level:

  • Entry-Level Analyst: $60-70K USD base salary
  • Senior Analyst: $90-130K USD base salary, with a 10% bonus in a good year
  • FP&A Manager: $200K USD for a smaller P&L (e.g. the German division of a global company); can range up to a 7-figure salary for a Global FP&A Manager

Bonuses are heavily tied to the health of the company and the managers? ability to forecast performance accurately.

Controllership: Accounting Without a CPA?!

Controllership or financial accounting usually has the worst reputation in the world of finance: many people think that working in financial accounting means a boring, mundane, accountant job where you?re inspecting journal entries all day.

But that?s only one side of the story.

The other side ? the interesting one ? is where you are in charge of the integrity of the Balance Sheet.

Whenever an accounting problem arises, you have to make a decision so that your financial statements clearly and accurately reflect the state of the business. Your work as an analyst is to be a liaison between the accountants? world and the other financial departments.

Here?s the difference between what an accountant might do and what the CFO might do:

  • Accountant: Avoid screwing up and making errors so that the company doesn?t have to restate its financial statements afterward.
  • CFO: Hit his Net Income target? even if he has to ?take some liberties? along the way.

A CFO is incentivized to be more ?aggressive? with his accounting in order to hit that Net Income target. So he might argue for policies that result in potentially misleading financial statements:

  • He might try to classify more spending as Capital Expenditures so that it doesn?t hit the Net Income line (e.g. Capitalized R&D spending)
  • He might try to change the timing of certain expenses, or the company?s revenue recognition policy, so that Net Income looks better

As an accountant, you have to manage both sides and make sure that the CFO is happy, but that the financial statements are also accurate and don?t mislead investors or company management.

You have to make sure that when auditors review them, they can understand everything and won?t ask you to restate results.

Audits are also a big part of your job since you?ll be providing auditors with the necessary accounting documents.


Traditional Accountants are divided by product or region, and you have to coordinate their work so that they book entries properly.

The ?finance-oriented? side, where non-accountant profiles work, is made up of 3 or 4 analysts led by a senior analyst. Financial accountants are in charge of producing the financial statements and dealing with all the tasks and responsibilities discussed above.

The Controller ? the head of this department ? reports directly to the CFO.


If you are on the traditional accounting side, congratulations! You?re the very definition of ?work/life balance.? You work 40 hours a week ? no more, no less ? and you?re paid accordingly: $40-50K USD for an entry-level position.

If you are reading this article, though, you are probably more interested in the ?dynamic? side of controllership: the royal path to becoming a CFO.

In that case, your hours and your salary will be very similar to the figures quoted above for FP&A roles.

An annual closing can turn into a nightmare and make investment banking hours look like a primary school teacher?s schedule, though! (On the upside, at least you won?t have to deal with quite as many crazy people)

Treasury: The Most Important and Overlooked Department?

Treasury deals with everything related to cash and cash flow.

If you?ve studied accounting, you know that Net Income can be manipulated in many ways: you can change revenue and expense recognition, re-classify expenses as capital expenditures, and so on.

But you can?t fake how much cash you?re making or losing.

If, at some point, you have no cash left and no credit line available, your company is dead. That?s why Treasury is so important.

As a Treasury analyst, you forecast how much cash your company is going to need in the future. You then have to make sure that this amount of cash is available when it?s required.

In order to do that, you have many tools at your disposal: you can emit bonds, raise equity, borrow through commercial paper, or negotiate credit lines with banks.

You?re in contact with banks and investors on a weekly basis to secure funding and support ? and this is one of the reasons why you work so closely with Debt Capital Markets (DCM) groups at banks.

You are also responsible for equilibrating the cash position of all the company?s accounts to make sure that none are negative and costing you extra in fees.

On the other side, you also have to invest short-term funds so they don?t stay idle in your accounts and so that you get at least some interest income out of them.


The size of the Treasury team depends heavily on the industry. It?s more important for a bank to have a larger Treasury team because you have to deal with liquidity ratios and heavy regulations.

But an industrial company would have a much smaller Treasury team, since managing their liquidity and cash positions isn?t quite as important.

Each analyst has a specialty, ranging from bonds emission to cash position forecasting, and the Treasurer coordinates all of them. The Treasurer is also the main contact for investment banks and investors.


If everything goes smoothly and the company generates a lot of cash flow, being a Treasurer can be a breeze.

On the other hand, if your company is in a tight spot from a cash point of view, the Treasury team will meet with the CFO daily to find solutions.

So hours vary widely and depending on the state of the company, you could find yourself working anything from a normal 40-50 hours per week all the way up to investment banking hours if you?re in ?crisis mode.?


People working in the Treasury department are usually more senior than those in FP&A and Controllership positions due to the intense contact with investors and banks ? and salaries reflect that fact. Here?s a run-down:

  • Analysts: $70-90K USD
  • Senior Analysts: $100-170K USD with up to a 15% bonus
  • Treasurer: He tends to be one of the better-paid members of the Corporate Finance department, and often earns the next most after the CFO; that translates to a range between $200K USD and $4MM USD.

What About the Rest of the Corporate Finance Department?

There are a lot of ?core? functions I didn?t mention here because they are not always part of the CFO?s team.

For instance, Pricing can be a marketing role or a financial role depending on the company.

Internal Audit and Risk are usually part of the CEO?s responsibility to avoid any conflict of interest (COI.)

I didn?t mention Tax because it?s a very specialized job, and I have never witnessed someone moving from a Tax position to another corporate finance function.

So How Do You Become a CFO?

Good question! The chief financial officer (CFO) of a decent-sized division manages between 25 and 200 people and earns $300,000 USD and above (bigger company and bigger division generally equals higher pay).

At the end of the day, 80% of the people in the finance department want to become the CFO? and, of course, very few succeed.

Being a CFO requires a wide range of skills and some heavy internal networking. At a Fortune 500 company, you don?t get promoted to the CFO role just because you?re doing ?a great job.?

You also have to know the right people (and play the office politics game well), and make sure that they like you enough to trust you with a P&L.

In that way, it?s very, very different from what it takes to succeed at a hedge fund or asset management firm (or prop trading and so on), where advancement is more merit-based, and it?s arguably quite different even from investment banking.

Ten years ago, the standard ?path? to becoming a CFO was to be an FP&A Manager for a while to learn everything about hitting your Net Income target ? and how to coordinate with other groups.

But things have changed a lot, and regulators are now the CFO?s main focus. Thanks to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act in the US and similar legislation in other countries, CFOs can now go to jail if they certify incorrect financial statements.

So now and for the foreseeable future, strong controllership skills are essential if you want to reach the CFO level. Controllership isn?t the sexiest department, but you?ll have to get used to it!

If you have a Big 4 background, you will have a serious advantage.

Once you?ve learned how to manage a P&L by working in Management Accounting for a few years, you have a good shot at moving toward the CFO role as you move up the ladder? as long as you get everyone there to like you.

What About the Exit Opps?!!!

There?s a lot of ?controversy? over exit opportunities within corporate finance. Here?s the rough breakdown of where people go afterward, based on what I?ve seen?in real life:

  • 60% stay in corporate finance but move to another firm;
  • 10% move to investment banking or venture capital;
  • 20% move to consulting;
  • 10% move to sales & marketing or risk

Yes, you can transition to investment banking or private equity? but it?s also much harder than if you started out in one of those.

The skills are relevant because doing planning sessions in FP&A will teach you a lot about how to actually model revenue and expenses for a company ? you?ll be much more grounded in reality than bankers who have never actually seen what all their fancy spreadsheets mean in real life.

Controllership will give you a perfect understanding of the Balance Sheet. But in a tough economy, you?ll have to be very talented and very well-connected to make the move.

If you want to follow that route, it?s almost easier to re-brand yourself with a top MBA degree and make the switch after that.

You can also transition to management consulting because Financial Planning & Analysis teaches you a lot about strategy, but you?ll probably better off in operational consulting, where you?ll be able to show-off your ?execution and implementation skills.?

If you feel more like a sales guy or girl, you should definitely consider sales and marketing in a big group. Forget all the hassle of regulators and audits, and embrace the world where the bottom line is all that matters.

A background in finance won?t hurt and could even put you ahead ? sales teams often have a hard time understanding the financial impact of their actions!

Any Questions?

I hope you enjoyed your tour in the world of corporate finance, and that you no longer think of it like the back office ? where front office careers go to die ? anymore.

If you have any questions or experiences, please share them in the comments!

After 6 years of experience in Corporate Finance,?Thomas Ausart?founded? with a former VP in investment banking, to assist you with your resume, cover letter and interview preparation so that you land the Finance job you really want.


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